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Posts posted by RdKing

  1. 9 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    Yep!! That's what's been missing on this forum for so long......An intellectual colossus!!

    How does someone like you equate the parallel between being an exhibitionist and a whore?.....Leora it might surprise you, ( if you have the mental capacity to absorb factual information,) is probably more sexually reserved than many off your average women of a similar age.....Fact!! not maybe, but fact!

    You should be ashamed !!


    an exhibitionist who gets paid 😆

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  2. 12 minutes ago, jetlag8 said:

    Reply to Nicholas.

    I don't understand Leora's logic either. I suspect this guy she is involved with is years younger than her, as most men close to thirty years old are not still living with mom and dad. It has been said that Leora has invited him over to her apartment more than once, and each time he has declined. I can't understand why when a woman like leora would invite him back to her apartment, and he say's no to the invitation every time, I would say there is something wrong, or something she does not know about.

    tou have to stop believing all the speculation you read here.

    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, Nicholas said:

       It's been noticed that apparently an occasion recently occurred at the residence that seemed somewhat similar to a previous occasion that occurred there around a month prior to the recent occasion.

       Both occasions seemed to stir quite a bit of interest, although it seems that the first of the two occasions may have stirred quite a bit more of interest than the latter of the two.

       Besides both occasions seeming to have been quite interesting, both occasions seemed to have been enticingly exciting and exhilarating experiences as well. Although both occasions seemed to have been quite interesting in various ways, there were certain aspects of occurrences that occurred during the occasions that imo seemed to have been odd to have occurred during certain situations of the occasions. 

       After having privilege of reviewing the occurrences of both occasions more than initially, it caused curiosity as to the complete genuineness of the occasions.

       One aspect of oddity that occured during the first of the two occasions around a month ago, was observed when after there had been some exchanging of body rubdowns and massages while using some type of lotion.

       The aspect of oddity referred to occurred after both had rubbed down and massaged one another on both their front and backsides of each others body's, when one of the two layed back down and the other without hesitation, began to caress and rub the more intimate area of her friend.

       Another during the same occasion was that although it evolved into each caressing and rubbing the more intimate areas of one another for awhile, then one of the two moves her hand away from her friends more intimate area while her friend continued in caressing and rubbing her intimately before after waiting a while longer than should have had to for her friend to continue, decided to take matters in her own hands and proceeded to caress and rub both herself and her friend until apparently experiencing a feeling of sensually sexual gratification and satisfaction, or at least she seemed to anyway, although it was not so apparent of her friend.

       The more recent aspect of oddity seemed to have occurred during the more recent of the two occasions.

       The more recent of the two occasions seemed to have been a similar occurrence in a sense that it occurred with the two friends offering one another some exchanges of body rub downs and massages with some oil.

       During the rubdowns, whenever one or the other began sensually caressing and rubbing the others more intimate area, it was merely done for a very brief short period before the two friends then changed places and after both had done similar to one another unusually quite briefly, they seperated and began a somewhat longer period of intimate self caressing and rubbing until somewhat of a level of sensually sexual gratification and satisfaction seemed to may have been experienced, or at least again perhaps by one of the two, and again as far the other, it did not appear to be so certain at all.

       Oddities of such, are quite unusal as far as not being naturally occurring during situations of such, and is why imo they were just as much, if not more, merely performances than as much of spontaneous naturally occurring occasions, or perhaps at least those parts of the occasions anyway.

       Whether those parts of the occasions were spontaneous naturally occurring and genuine or not, they certainly seemed to be quite intriguingly interesting, and seemed to have stirred quite a bit of excitement and exhilaration as well. I must give the two women credit where credit is due and applaud their endeavors. 👏   

    You are a man of many words but I completely agree with your conclusion and am looking forward to the next occasion 👍

    • Like 2
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  4. 2 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

       Well, as it seems that it's nearing 3am there, an all nighter is nearly accomplished. Hell, perhaps she should just simply not return until Monday morning and make it an all weekender. 😏

    she is probably making extra money, you know, to pay for all the nice things and all the pizza. Hopefully she goes by hours and not flat rate!!

    • Sad 1
  5. 14 minutes ago, Rudolf said:

    My point was that it never concerned you that Leora was alone for all that time while she actually was alone. What kind of rationalizations you have made while she has had company is a different matter. It's an afterthought at best.

    And now you're suddenly all concerned about Malia being alone for a couple of hours.

    Get real, phony.

    Leora was alone by choice as she moved in alone. Malia moved in with a roommate. So Rudolf, maybe if you get your red (brown) nose out of your queen's ass you'll understand. 

    • Like 4
  6. 6 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    😹😹😹 You must tell us all about your experience sometime!!.......It looks to me consistent with a person who has tripped over and grazed themself on the pavement....But then what do I know? I have never been sodomized on the carpet. and strangely enough niether has Leora I don't believe 😾

    Just curious... where have you been sodomized then? 

    • Haha 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Alladino said:


    If you are new, you may have missed the best time of RLC. Until a year ago RLC had almost three times as many apartments as now. Most of the apartments were in russia with a lot of really interesting people.  At that time RLC had residents who even without shows had exciting events every now and then. Just because they had an interesting life.

    Leora is a really bad case. She moved away from Russia just for this apartment. Actually, a very sad story I think. Especially at first it was really pathetic to see her all alone in this apartment giving a 24/7 cam show. There was some hope when Malia moved in, but in the meantime Leora got this girl to do these robot-like shows too. 

    The best apartments in RLC, however, were those where there were many guests and really a lot of private life to see. Due to the higher number of real apartments there was also almost always something going on. If someone writes here now there are 9 other apartments, I can only laugh. Two thirds of them are more or less just Shows apartments without a real view into the life of the residents. Especially the GOV Apartments, where the girls are moved from their actual home for a short stay to give almost only these pseudo lesbian shows. 

    Now RLC has become an overpriced supplier of cheap goods. They have hardly any real apartments left and make it even worse by trying to compose the emptiness through shows, which leads to even less real content. 


    Thanks Alladino, I'm new here but been watching RLC for approx 4 years now. I agree that there was more content before. Except for Leora, the other appartments don't offer much. I did like Kylie and Rus while Viola visited.  

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