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complain here [email protected], RLC should get another cam to cover the blind spot
that's the only apartment which has no hall way covered by the cams
Dude we can hear you making noises in the video... check the settings in your video recorder
turn off the microphone and switch to system audio typically it would be stereo mix
It's a nickname Pasha
Павел (Паша)-Pavel (Pasha)- English Paul
Same thing does Nastya in the other apartment she uses nickname Zhenya
Евгений (Женя) Yevgeny, Yevgeniy, Evgeny (Zhenya) -English Eugene
And you know
Is it that hard to figure out how he knows this?
It must be that hard --unless xxx010101 is Yuliya or Paul
If any of you would listen to what they're saying you would hear him calling her by her name but I guess that's too demanding for you guys ???