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Posts posted by albundy1089

  1. 4 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Nelly and Bogdan have contributed greatly to the big  success and evolve / development of RLC , instead of protecting them , they give the chance  and the right for any of the RLC and CC members to comment and post negative about them . 

    I absolutely agree. I think it would be good for Nelly to get out of the B4 environment and get back to being a more mature version of the Nelly in St Petersburgh. For those that weren't around then, she (and Bogdan) was one of the stars of RLC Russian couples apartments.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Last but not least , if it weren’t for some wrong attitude and ridiculous comments made by members concerning the tenants and other CC members , through  the years that CC administrators never put off the “ fire “ while it was slowly burning  resulting on an uncontrolled  posting of insults and disrespectful comments , I assure you that we would all be learning daily much of the talks that are happening amongst the tenants across of all the RLC apartments , even the ones in the Czech Republique . 

    Much like most of the world these days, some members never "let the facts spoil a good storyline." And they insult those that do know the facts and drive them to be quiet, to all our detriment.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    But imagine one of them leaving  and the empty room goes to relocated Nelly & Bogdan 😱😱🥶 Jane and Dick and their open sexual preferences would be a great couple to add . 

    Or Radi and Mila if they have people to fill B4.

    This is just a guess, but based on the lack of luggage and how tired they were when they got back, I think N&B  were at their new place getting it ready. With Bogdan's new haircut he looks pretty respectable. Maybe a real job and an apartment like they lived in Russia? Fior could easily do the maintenance Bog is doing on a part-time basis. I bet @Noldus knows.

    Let the conjecture begin...

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