Stunning photo shoot, she doesnt need to do villastyleporn to be watchable. The tension she might are why I love her, the wait.....
Would I like her to do more? Not much, that foam bath bate with the hose she did a few month back are the one of the most sensuell thing I witness same as her undercover bates a year+ ago, it gives me more pleasure to watch.
The mind are the most sensuell, sexual thing we have. Linda has a few more things though, 2 on her chest. 😁
They left with 2 big suitccases Prolly vacation, think they did pack light clothing so warm country is my guess, Turkey?
Already miss Linda, what am I suppose to do now? Watch porn-villas?
She have started to shower at morning and at evening, sure I mostly do the same.
But why do the morning shower and then do the morning exercise rather than exercize 1st then shower?
I am just buffeld with this routine.
Has she starting to drink again?
Did pop in and she looked drunk, staggering around.
She looked so good when they did come back oncam, this sadens me to see. Where are the hiding spot for the alcohol this time?
Masha doing Ant now? She rather keeping those junkies and settle with Ant as sexpartner than Elvis?
Elvis might be a looose cannonball, but he have manors and can satify Masha. Ant will just be a laugh as usual.