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Scottish Republic

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Everything posted by Scottish Republic

  1. *** Knowing you, DD ... I think we may be referring to some torrid 'sex action' there, if I'm not mistaken. Eventually, all this is gonna take its toll: you'll develop wrist problems; or worse still, end up going blind 🙄. [Those old wives knew a thing or two, with their tales.]
  2. *** I detect a piece of inappropriate fantasising here - please remember, this is a respectable forum, please keep those kind of salacious little thoughts at bay. 🧐 Russian policewomen. Spoiler alert: they've now been told to increase the length of their uniforms 😞
  3. *** You have to remember, B4 is immune from covid - let's face it, by the law of averages, at least ONE of them should have caught it by now! Of course, fact of the matter is: evil and wicked though the virus is, it does have SOME moral principles - it wouldn't touch B4 with a 10-foot pole ! 🤨
  4. *** Yes that can sometimes happen to people who're involved in the 'personal services' business 😁. Just one of the pitfalls of the job, I suppose.
  5. *** Ah yes, Maya, I remember her well. I wonder where she is now, and how she's getting on. Lived in one of the, now banished, Siberian apartments. Her place was rather shabby, had an elderly dog and several cats. She often wore a pink, kiddy, romper outfit - with pig motifs 🤣. She eventually got rid of Stephan, and replaced him with a new guy - he only did exactly the same things as Stephan 🤣. Every time I saw Stephan, he was sitting at his computer - never left it. The new guy was just the same. M&S, 'Tony Moly' ... they had a cosmetics business (well, sort of). She was also a sculptor - used to create weird figures.
  6. *** Yes, UK term for females of lax morals, cum dumpsters, etc..😎. Masha cums comes to mind - I wonder why.
  7. *** Yes, that one is fact - but is it real ... or is it fake? That is the $64k question 😎
  8. *** Do I detect a pussy-centric male here (Christ, there are so many of you lot!). FACE ! - face first, always (clothes on, or off). If the face ain't right, there's no deal (that's what I always tell the prostitutes 🤣).
  9. *** Perchance, could that name be 'whore'? Well I don't think that name would apply to Masha ... I could think of another name 🤣
  10. *** I saw her in B4, and she looked very much at home there - 'feet under the table' etc.. Wouldn't surprise me if she soon doesn't end up there permanently; she's certainly 'one of them', would fit in perfectly. The same pretty much applies to Martina now. I don't quite know what the lure is with this B4 villa ... it could convert a nun into a filthy whore, in no time at all (or two lifts of a nun's habit) 🙄
  11. *** Yes, the B4 apartments always have plenty tenant 'turnover' ... i.e. the gentleman types who like to enter by the front door; and the slimy toads who require 'turnover' to enter by the tradesman's entrance 🤣
  12. *** DD has very fixed ideas and views on various subjects here, and, at the end of the day, nothing will change those views - it all comes down to naive thinking i.e. an over-simplified view of the world. I disagree vehemently with him vis-à-vis covid matters; come to think of it, I disagree with him on most matters (well, almost 'most') 😄. He has one redeeming feature though; under pressure, he always remains placid and unruffled, never comes back and attacks you (that takes a lot of tolerance and patience), and it saves the 'attacker' a lot of stress/time-consumption - takes the wind out their sails 😉. Nothing you can say will change his ways. Then of course, there's him and Masha . . . . . . . . . . . . . 🙄
  13. *** '10-years together' may be correct (I don't know) ... but with the endless speculation practised here, one wonders if it's actually fact, where did that info come from? There's so much contradiction e.g. some call their big dog 'Lucky' others call it 'Blackie' ( in reality, no one really knows 🤣); when the dog took ill, on two separate occasions, some had declared it dead, others said it was still alive; some think M&A are married, some don't ( in reality, no one really knows 🤣) ... I rest my case.
  14. *** Well, that's where the money's to be made, on the streets of Barcelona - or anywhere else for that matter 😉
  15. *** DD, where did you get that info from? The sums don't quite add up: Martina must be between 20-25 (Alberto 30-35). This would imply that Alberto met her when she was 'underage' (a minor). In most countries the age of consent is around 15/16, except Vatican City where it's 12. Crikey! Alberto could have ended up on some nasty sex register 😯. I find it hard (if you'll pardon the expression) to believe that they've been together for as long as 10 years. They've been in RLC for around 4 years. Maybe Alberto 'hung out' (please pardon the expression) for some time with her in Vatican City ... there's a lot going on behind the scenes there 🤣
  16. *** Thank you Professor DD ... your insights and profound knowledge relating to sexual matters, leave me in laught awe. You're quite a little treasure of knowledge - mind reader | covid authority | sexoligist. 🧐
  17. *** I don't know if Masha's the biggest whore in RLC, but she's certainly one of the most prolific slappers there - a more than acceptable number of gentlemans' appendages have visited her (front door, and rear).... [observe how delicately that was worded - decency forbade, otherwise🧐] She seems to be going from bad to worse - she's now out of control. She has totally ignored covid, and now swans around Europe at will; the official, and common sense, covid rules do not, it seems, apply to Lady Masha. How the hell she was allowed to fly from Italy to Spain/Catalonia, beggers belief. She had no important reason for travelling during covid - only selfish, self-centerd, good-time reasons. Other people are in lockdown, to protect themselves and others - If lockdown is good enough for them, then it should be bloody good enough for Lady Muck! Where the hell is the money coming from for these expensive Euro jaunts? SHE SHOULD BE IN FULL LOCKDOWN, AT HOME, WITH THE CATS !
  18. *** Yes, and it's also a good way of getting arrested in some countries ...... well, maybe 😎
  19. *** Oh, I say! Dirty filthy talk ... please bear in mind, we're not used to that kind of selacious language in this forum. 😯 Not sure which is the more vulgar: 'Poop Shoot' 'Toot Toot'. Or the 'real' terms: 'Shithole' 'Cunt'. ..... I leave others to decide. 😳 SHOCKING ... TRULY SHOCKING 🤣
  20. I was thinking that M&A were relatively new here (guessing about 2 years at most). They eventually replaced previous participants. Carina & Sabrina (aka - 'Elvis' and 'Owl') They were just about my all-time favourites in RLC - I was very sorry to see them leave. They were from Italy, they were a real down-to-earth pair. I think they were more interesting than A&M. They had interesting guests visit/stay. They had a certain something; they didn't parade around naked, and rarely had sex - but hey, sex and nudity here, isn't everything. I tried to find out when M&A arrived here, the best I could establish was around March 2017, longer than the 2 years that I'd previously thought. So it seems they've been here around 4 years, doesn't feel that long - how time flies!
  21. *** Not everyone, DD .... some go to hot sensible sites like Chaturbate etc., to 'crack one off' (I will name no names, to protect the innocent 😉).
  22. *** OK, that's it! Now a 'second spot' - that little bastard's going down! There's no point M&A trying to 'cover' up the damning evidence, we know it's there, they cannot shield him any longer. I know of a very good doggy bootcamp (not to be confused with 'dogging', that's something else) tough but effective, reasonable rates - that's where he's going, there's now no hiding place. Between Nelly and Taco, M&A's home and relationship is being torn asunder 😡
  23. So it seems that super-charged Taco has been getting up to mischief lately; no surprises there, I've always said that dog was out of control. His latest piece of handiwork, the sofa, took a chunk out of it - unacceptable behaviour! He's destroying M&A's home - hey! I thought that was Nelly's job. Time to ship the little bugger off to canine bootcamp; they won't be long in teaching him some discipline and respect for other people's property. BTW, what the hell is he doing running around in that blue wooly-jumper thingy 🤣 It can't be THAT cold in Barcelona, they're far enough south in Europe? Is he wearing it for a bet, or what? 🤣. I shall be monitoring his modus operandi over the coming weeks, for signs of behavioural improvement. 🧐
  24. *** Truly rich indeed. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Let's make one thing very clear: Harley, myself, and several other people here are worth more than a million of the likes of you. So don't dare come in here attacking the good guys of the forum; the straight talkers, the truth tellers, the ones who tell it like it is - the ones with some moral fiber (more of these kind of people are badly needed here). We have every right to call out the saddoes and wrongdoers. We are the ones with the guts to say what needs to be said. Too many people here are afraid to speak up (go against the grain) about the the things that are blatently wrong - there are certain bullies (such as you) who try to silence them. You care nothing about the worldwide covid-19 crisis that is here and now ... you care nothing about the 3,000,000 global dead ... you care nothing about the millions of people who've lost loved ones - as long as you see your little, tawdry, covid-breaking, sex shows, that's all that matters to you. You happily watched a woman break Italian law, 3 nights in a row, last weekend - and it didn't trouble your conscience (oh wait! You don't have one). You glorified the event, you encouraged it, you egged things on - in effect, you were an accessary to the crime. Don't kid yourself, you make no positive contribution to the forum, except flooding sexually-charged threads with a deluge of sad, covid-ignoring, sexually-desperate drivel, just as you did last weekend i.e. the Masha, law-breaking, superspreader event - go back and read the copious jaw-dropping comments you made ... PATHETIC - UTTERLY PATHETIC ! The expression 'Get a life' comes to mind. SO DON'T DARE COME IN BAD-MOUTHING THOSE OF US WHO CARE ABOUT THE FORUM IN A POSITIVE WAY . . . THOSE OF US WHO DON'T TAKE THE PLACE TOO SERIOUSLY . . . THOSE OF US WHO TREAT IT AS A SOAP OPERA AND JUST LIKE TO HAVE A BIT OF FUN WITH THINGS . . . THOSE OF US WHO DON'T DRAG THE PLACE INTO THE GUTTER
  25. The other day, I took time out to watch Alberto and Martina in their kitchen with lucky. Alberto was spoon-feeding the dog (from a tin). Lucky seems in good form; there's certainly nothing wrong with his appetite (he keenly wired that grub down) - a good sign 👍. It was heartening, even moving, to see the loving, caring, looks on M&A's faces as they tended to the dog. They really care about Lucky, just as a few others here do. Sadly though, we know what the majority are busy doing - the dog's the least of their thoughts and concern. What ever some of us say about Martina (she's currently in the bad books), on one issue at least, she has one redeeming feature, her concern for the dog. Well done M&A - keep up the good work 👍.
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