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Everything posted by Tweety21

  1. Many of us are more than tired of seeing N and B. Nelly is so unbearable and spoils the atmosphere of the Villa and influences the behavior of other tenants. I can’t take it anymore
  2. I agree with what you said. I have been subscribed to RLC for 10 years and apart from the end of the Russian apartments, the period has never been worse and I have for the first time cancelled my subscription which ends in a few days. I no longer have a passion for current tenants and I even hate some like N and B
  3. I have been subscribed to RLC for many years (almost the beginning). I remember the end of the Russian apartments. The period we are currently living in is the worst for me. The permanent presence of Nelly and Bogdan to kill all the interest of the villa. Nelly by her jealousy, her harmful presence it makes the atmosphere very bad. Since the departure of Holly and Megan, RLC has lost a lot of attraction. I hope to find a ambiance and residents who make you want to subscribe
  4. Soon the return of oil "massages" and long evenings on smartphones
  5. I have subscribed to RLC for many, many years, 2014 I think. I had a lot of hopes for Lia and Mia and I always found the presence of these twins interesting but their old passages were never excellent
  6. We don’t have any indication of new tenants coming in, and who is it?
  7. have so much hope to find some former tenants... But I think RLC has brought back some of the worst in my opinion. Stella, Lola, Anna... With the long-term presence of Nelly And Bogdan (unbearable)... Very sad period
  8. Sad period on this appartement (and on RLC)... I dream to see Holly's back
  9. Bogdan, Nelly, Lola, Anna... sad period on RLC
  10. Il n'y a plus aucun plaisir à regarder B5. Nelly et Bogdan sont détestables. La grande chambre est vide depuis un bon moment. Je suis abonné depuis de très nombreuses et c'est la première fois depuis la fin des appartements Russes que je songe à ne pas prolonger mon abonnement
  11. This villa has the biggest potential of RLC. The presence of N and B makes it detestable
  12. Toujours pas de nouvelles pour une arrivée dans la chambre principale ...
  13. I can’t stand Nelly anymore... I’ve easily managed in recent years not to look at girls I wasn’t interested in. But Nelly and Bogdan are omnipresent and make my experience detestable. So eager that they are no longer here
  14. Je suis intéréssé aussi par le Onlyfans de Linda 🙂
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