Saw Elvis earlier and he was not at Masha’s. He was smoking some of the devils lettuce. He posted a text thread in Italian but I don’t know what it says. 🤓
I don’t want Masha’s place to go away because personally, I actually enjoy some of the drama and consistency of guests. But at this point, she gets what she deserves with Ernesto. After how he treated her in the past and the last blowout, she let him back in and now it may jeopardize her contract or emotionally make her want to take a break or leave. Until he actually moves out of the building, he is not going to go away.
Elvis has been toxic from the beginning but Masha keeps bringing him back in. At this point it’s hard to feel sorry for her. As we see, Elvis and Roxy were getting very close and at some point, I would think Masha would have been upset about it. But from what others have said on here, maybe not.
In the tub for so long that Elvis skin looked like dried prunes. I was watching their phone screens, and at one point Elvis showed Roxi a naked selfie he took in the mirror.
Did they have another argument?
Welp, back to smiling and holding hands. 🙄 I don’t think anything will change until one of them moves out of the shared building.
I’m truly amazed that these two toxic people stay together. He is a total ballsack, and now I’m beginning to think Masha is a bitch as well. At this point, she is stupid for staying with this cuck. Unfortunately, I missed the fight and I don’t have replay. 😤