I saw Elvis briefly, earlier in the night but he didn’t stick around. It’s been so refreshing with him gone. Now Masha appears to be gone. Wonder if she is shacking up with Elvis at his mama’s house. 🤢
Having Babi, Irma and the GF has been very entertaining. I kind of wish Masha and Elvis wouldn’t come home. Or, it would be great if Masha would come home sans Elvis. 😄
The local bum, Elvis, has now made his way into Barcelona. Probably best, otherwise he would be at Masha’s apartment trying to seduce one of her guests. 😄
Now if only butthole eyes Elvis could take a hike, things would be better over at Masha’s place. 😅
Sorry guys, please don’t drag me for saying that. Can you tell he isn’t my favorite? 😬
She might as well! Everyone else does it here at our states border! We are paying to house illegals with our hard earned tax dollars. At least I know Masha won’t mooch. 😃
He is a total creep and the energy in her whole place has changed since he entered her life. I used to enjoy watching all of her friends come over but they no longer show up since Elvis has been around. If he causes her to lose her place on RLC, that would be a huge blow.
Did they get another place but then it fell through? But where is all of their stuff. Are they storing it at a relatives? At this rate, we may have them until Christmas.