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Posts posted by neil_r549

  1. I've often thought its a matter of fortune as to your future life - fancy waking up to find you are in a war zone, or in a country of starvation? We in the western countries, are very lucky. So to answer the question I would say

    1 - Sudan

    2 - North Korea

    3 -Somalia

    I've worked in the PRC and while it can be bit oppresive and for the foreigner, a bit scary, its not as bad as many think. The wealth has made a big difference to the middle classes although that wealth has not filtered down to the peasant farming community. I do fear for the Hong Kongers now, and this is where the PRC falls into the oppressive regime catagory.

  2. Just to expand on the B4 group. They do seem to care about each other, amongst the parties, booze and whatever else they get up to. But last night something upset Holly and she was sat on her bed alone while the others were doing their thing - I think she was crying, but it was Gina who came into her room, put an arm round her shoulder and helped. Ten minutes later after sitiing on the stairs for a few moments she was back with the others. It was quite a touching moment and help came from the craziest girl in the house. Good on yer Gina - I hope you survive your lifestyle!

    • Upvote 1
  3. I agree, it does not look good re Zac and Luna, but you never know. I used to watch Leora when she was with Paul and they had the occasional shag in the guest room (freebie), but at the moment its all very predicable and lets be honest, a bit boring There are a few exceptions for me anyway - all IMO -  Linda and Tibor are OK, Martina and Alberto also , and the great gang in B5 are fun to watch. I did enjoy the naked/semi naked charades last night. Whatever Gina was miming it had the girls in stiches laughing.  Lovely to see.  But as for the rest, Masha does what she does for the camera and the performing seals Claire/Carlo & Anthony/Lorraine are simply boring IMO. I cancelled last week but have a few more days to go - I tend to give the sub a rest for a few months. Oh.... Kity and Smith. What on earth has happened to those two?

  4. I feel a bit responsible for this debate! My original post was asking the age difference between Martina and Alberto. I did make the comment that I was curious as how they got together and did 'suggest' it was odd that someone like Alberto, could end up with a Martina. I know it happens all the time and could be summed up in the song by Joe Jackson ''Is she really going out with him?''

    No slight on Alberto was intended and Yes, I could be jealous as hell. From this latest post by Omedo, thanks, that clears that one up and I'm pleased it wasn't a RLC set up.

    • Upvote 2
  5. Thanks, the other reply said Alberto in his 30's.I thought nearer 40.  My curiosity was how is a bloke of 30-40 (my guess) who is not exactly the best looker ( I'm willing to have other opinions on this, but I'm a bloke), and doesn't seem to have a fat bank balance end up with her. How on earth did they meet  and now appears to have a really good relationship with her. On Line dating? Or can this be set up by RLC?

  6. re emmett111 Just on ths drugs thng, we smoked weed quite regularly and some did LSD (1970's) but I am told the weed on the market these days is far stronger than we used. Its the hard drugs which wreck lives and I would hate to see these peole hooked. I made some harsh comments about Zac when he came on the scene after see him put together some 'ingredients' in a smoke. I have'nt been with the site long enough to know Cesar but he appears to be of the same mold.

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