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Everything posted by Hallodaso

  1. When she leaves it is definitely clear that within the first second that she is no longer there it will be boring
  2. Can anyone translate what they talking about Please !
  3. Think she got Information from RLC and the PAste is gone from the cam !
  4. Not only covering the cam is the problem who doesn't tell you that it will damage the cams 😕
  5. Nope its an German Country Ball in an German ( Bundeswehr ) Army Uniform! 😋
  6. Eating and Eating and Eating and Eating .... this is unbelievable!
  7. If you pick something up and it's interesting, let us know!
  8. Wenigstens hast du etwas gelernt! but I haven't learned any spanish either.
  9. ... what was she doing briefly in luna's and zac's bedroom? is she stealing again ?
  10. I almost think that she doesn't go out too because she was seen and caught yesterday by the neighbor on the terrace!?
  11. They are on the terrace but in an area without a cam ( Luna + Zac + Male Guest )
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