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Everything posted by Hallodaso

  1. She has to wait so long, I have the feeling that she's about to starve
  2. No, she put it in the microwave when Luna came, I just wonder why she doesn't eat it when she first makes a whole bowl of it
  3. Has she now hidden the spaghetti from Luna or why isn't she eating it?
  4. She ate a whole elephant by herself yesterday and today!
  5. Is she now serious about making food from the garbage in the microwave
  6. I think the best thing is that she has been wearing the same clothes for four days!!!
  7. why not eat more when you already have the opportunity xD
  8. I don't understand that she's still wearing her jacket!
  9. she had just kept the tablecloth on the cam 2 minutes ago
  10. Seriously, what I noticed the last few days is that she likes to sniff around and not just for food
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