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Everything posted by redole1999

  1. I would absolutely love it if rlc decided to bring in a tenant that was the size of a beach whale, i wonder how much pussy licking would take place then.
  2. They made sure they showered first, not exactly raw passion is it, pointless tasting soap.
  3. For the life of me that's all it can possibly be, he certainly wasn't first in line when they gave out looks that's for sure, hope for us all😋
  4. She needs to decide what side of the bread she wants buttered, which in her case is cheese or fish.
  5. Don't think it needed a rocket scientist to know that wouldn't last.
  6. I'm pretty sure the activities of a certain girl never helped😬
  7. I have seen enough fitness freaks since lockdown began to last a lifetime, not even the slutty holly can stimulate me.
  8. I might suggest getting my mates round after lockdown and watching the footie naked, should be fun🥴
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