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Everything posted by redole1999

  1. Well a sugar daddy says it all really don't you think? 😉
  2. I can't see N&B down grading somehow😁, in fact can't ever see carlos and yani apartment used again unless they get some monks or nuns in the place, btw i don't hate the girls they just bloody annoy me🙂
  3. if the translation is wrong, then what was the argument about?
  4. if it's anything like last nights fiasco they needn't bother😉
  5. should have locked her out alberto, can't have your cake and eat it martina
  6. often wondered myself how the guys would react is curly or bogdan jerked off on the kitchen top and sat with their arses on the sofa's, uproar probably😁
  7. Pack your bag Alberto and disappear, leave the dog with the hound
  8. how about some clothes, tooth brush, comb, easily fit in a backpack or even plastic bag, who the fuck takes a suitcase to a party, that's two lines!
  9. A missing suitcase and a reservation hardly constitutes an illegal rave
  10. No scam at all, just you guys lousy bloody language skills and crap sources🙃
  11. Hope they don't get a bonus for this pathetic show, martina your out of your depth.
  12. It's like watching a foreign movie with no subtitles, everybody speculating on what's happening next🙃
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