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Posts posted by redole1999

  1. il y a 2 minutes, casdesire a dit :

    The mental problem is specific for RLC and this forum. These sites are toxic because plays fully at assumptions, conspiracy theories, translations, stories... And you and I will never know the full picture of all of this. You and RLC makes each other crazy as hell on here. That's why it is so toxic here.

    It's fun to see these actors and actresses perform...........

  2. il y a 7 minutes, casdesire a dit :

    If you watch RLC/this forum each day, then you probably are addicted. It's like when drink every day alcohol, then you can say you are addicted.

    Btw the hardest step is to reckonize that you're addicted to something. It is looking yourself very deep in the eyes and seeing that what you're doing isn't good (for yourself, your enviroment)

    Every tenant must be on the verge of serious mental issues, mobiles never leave their sides.

    • Like 1
  3. il y a 12 minutes, Mark Thompson a dit :

    ah yes 'gynecology row.\..front row seats was our goal....  Nth America had a legendary stripper Mitsy Du Pris ??? I believe,  who shot ping pong balls, smoked cigarettes in her cannon hot shot ...and a myriad of pussy pushing and sucking tricks...  I have an autographed PPBall to this day... 

    Sticky Vicky was notorious in tenerife😛 

    • Haha 2
  4. Il y a 4 heures, JenniferMom a dit :


    For me, a prize goes to the person who said that Nelly and Martina would not make love out of respect to Bogdan.  That seems to be the winning prediction for the night. 


    Hardly respect, bit of common sense is most likely, if they had any ounce of respect or dignity it wouldn't be happening in the first place.

    This so called tryst can easily occur anywhere (sod the curfew bs), but guess what it just happens in front of the cameras for all of us to see, how convenient, b & a will be sat on a park bench waiting for the show to end. 

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  5. il y a 3 minutes, philo a dit :

    There has always been RLC off site housing in Barcelona since the days of Kammi and Kristy in B1. There was a famous full service night club that had on-site hotel-like lodging. (The club was the biggest in Barcelona at the time and is no longer in operation)  RLC used to recruit from the club as well as from a model/talent agency. When B1 first went down because Kammi decided to go with her sugar daddy back to Russia, Kristy was left stranded and lived there until things were restored and avoided having to return to Russia. This was told to me by people who communicated with them on their version of facebook, and when almost every girl was easily assessable through social media. 

    well its and plain and obvious that they don't recruit from model/talent agencies now, plucked from the local supermarkets by the looks of things.

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