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  1. I wish zac would leave i think she would give us a great show on her own
  2. She is either reading these messages or shes texting someone that is watching the cameras
  3. She loves performing for the viewers she gave a little wink to the camera
  4. Wow mirukawa has an amazing body she stretching right in front of the camera 😍
  5. Imo martina and alberto are the most natural couple on rlc now this nelly has got her claws into martina. I cant stand her or her mongy fake bogdan fuck them both off
  6. Is he trying to sort somewhere for FG to live? Hes on the phone a lot
  7. FG seems totally oblivious to whats going on around her or just not bothered
  8. Keep listening to them phone calls my friend your our insider lol
  9. If i was zac i would go absolutely nuts at FG i would get her out of that bed right now and show her how upset she has made luna and if she didnt show remorse she would be out the door tomorrow
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