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Everything posted by JenniferMom

  1. Well done post. On this point you might be right but I think the chance is greater that her new love is not OK being on cam. If she was OK then we would have seen these two making love by now. This is also not an invalid point but just don’t think it affects her job at the museum. If it was an issue with the museum she would have left RLC by now. A ton of stuff will always be on the internet. Attitudes in EU about this kind of stuff is much more open than in US. I do agree strongly that sometimes people need to change things up and that is what we are seeing.
  2. Agreed. I said from the very beginning that FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS usually always involves two people who care a lot about each other. I think these two have that connection but no more than just FWB. I don’t think they simply fuck for the cams … I think there is an fond connection. But it is not enough for her, sadly.
  3. As a fan of speculations here, this is a very creative one. Bravo! Although it is more likely a speculation you would see on a TV crime drama, I like it and I will file this one away. If I ever end up in an abusive relationship, going onto a voyeur cam site might be an option. Many here have (deservedly so) have reported what a ignorant beast Don is. It is quite amazing to me that he did not seem to care at all that he was on camera the entire time.
  4. Yet you still post! What story does that tell my friend?! I told you that I read everything.
  5. Hindsight is almost always 20/20 but yes this was a pivotal point. I don't understand how you would fuck in the next room with anyone other than a roommate. If Alberto meant anything to her, she would not have done that, even having the so-called "open relationship" that many here said they had and that "it works for them". I remember that day like it was yesterday. In the very beginning, it was Nelly, not Martina who had reservations about making love at that moment. I remember Martina patting the bed saying "it's ok" come here. In hindsight it makes perfect sense ... you can imagine her even saying something to the effect of "he's just my roomate". Of course Nelly did not need any further encouragement and jumped into bed immediately. We know Nelly had deeper feelings for Martina than Martina had for Nelly. So if we want to ramp up speculations like the old days 😀 ... one question ... now that we think Martina has a serious off-cam lover and Martina/Alberto are indeed just FWB ... WHY THEN ... why did Martina break things off with Nelly and decide to just be friends without benefits?
  6. I have been here all along my friend. Sorry maybe I should have posted a tiny bit so you all would not forget me 😀. But I have read every post since I decided to take a sabbatical. I thank you for your nice comments. I hope my post above was not taken negatively. I find if I am posting from my phone I can be too terse and it comes off negatively. But indeed I have kept up with Martina who for me was my first RLC crush and I still do admire her quite a bit although now I am feeling a little sorry for Alberto. Every day I would read the latest in this forum. No other forums but this one. I always found it curious and somewhat annoying that it appears there are two forums. The one here that we ALL see and a separate forum using private messages where people get "real information" that they don't want to share. As I have said countless times before, I do not understand why any posters here would want to protect a narrative. I assume we are all here for the "entertainment" benefits of being a voyeur. As long as we don't harbor any ill will for these cast members, why would we wish anything bad for them. To me honestly there is nothing wrong with FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS. In a sex-positive world it if totally ok with me if that is what Martina and Alberto are. But it seemed like for some they had to protect a narrative and that is still the huge question I wonder about. I can only assume the people that protect this narrative are insiders of some type, either one or more of them are Martina or Alberto themselves, or someone who knows them, or someone from RLC. It just doesn't make any sense to push a narrative here. I hope Martina and Alberto figure it out. I used to disagree the most with @Deepdave but I always said he is probably right and someday they will go on and live happily ever after. I don't think that is possible now but I am always the optimist so who knows. Martina does have a lot of passion and love inside her ... I have to believe she will always have something for Alberto., I will go back to reading posts only ... although Yelt's big recent post might deserve a response ...
  7. You’re about 18 months late to the party. I’ve been saying FWB since day 1. And being trashed by others here for saying this Its funny but where is @deepdave and his reminding us that “Martina and Alberto have an atypical relationship but they love each other and it works for them.”
  8. Why all this doom and gloom? We were told by DeepDave and others that this couple is rock solid.
  9. Maybe DeepDave can tell us why the perfect couple wouldn’t be together on a 10 day vacation.
  10. While all of you are talking about ending your subs … I’m thinking this is an opportunity! Maybe Nelly says “fuck it” and talks Martina into getting back together sexually on cam!!! LOL I’m curious … but how does the time change work relative to the cams? If summer time happens, the clock goes from 1am to 2am … doesn’t this cause a loss of 1 hour of video? Maybe this is what happened? I doubt it but admittedly I am not very knowledgeable about this.
  11. Where have we see clear evidence of swinging? That foursome in early January? Don’t think so. They did very little cross-couple. Martina with Nelly? That’s not swinging. They may be swingers but that is off-cam.
  12. My sarcasm has apparently gone over your head. DaerJohn feels sorry for Alberto due to the way Martina ignores him by going out to party all night every weekend. Not only do you want us to believe they are a normal loving couple and “it works for them” (your words) … you now want us to feel sorry for them because of how difficult it is to be under the RLC microscope. Sorry if I remain skeptical of all of this. I still think you are either Martina or Alberto or a very close friend of theirs. Still not sure why you defend them so vociferously … as for me and I think most everyone else here … we love watching them for who they are. I really don’t care if they are the most loving couple on the planet or just some fuck buddies … but you seem to want us to believe this narrative of yours and I am curious as to why.
  13. Oh come on DaerJohn … don’t you read DeepDave’s posts? These two are very happy couple. Only a few ups and downs like most couples and they resolve these simply by talking in the bathroom. Yes it’s not normal for your significant other to spend pretty much every weekend night out partying … but as Deep says it works for them. Let’s be happy for both of them.
  14. Fusional love: risk of breaking up as a couple? - Stress.app STRESS.APP 1 Fusional love, what is it?2 Affective dependence, a danger for the couple3 The loss of a personal social life, a risk of... Props to Kylian for proposing an interesting theory. Had to google this and learn for myself. There is much about fusion that describes this couple but not everything it seems. Of course we could just ask the all-knowing DeepDave and he could tell us.
  15. Just left with Alberto. Had to chuckle seeing Alberto adjust his hat looking for a more cool look. It makes me happy to see them leave together.
  16. Was funny seeing her use the hand shower to try to clean her tongue and lips and then gargle like crazy. Such a newbie.
  17. So I think you are saying that these two couples did not swap because they don't feel that way, i.e. they agreed up front to just fuck next to each other. You are saying that if there were no cams, they would not have done anything differently? I agree with this perspective. If they agreed to just fuck side-by-side, it is fun to speculate why, i.e. what was the deal breaker? One of the guys not attracted to the other girl? Or more likely Marta not that attracted to Alberto? Or?
  18. I think a large majority of women are like this. Sucking a cock can be tiring and tedious. Any other stimulation while sucking helps one to focus and enjoy and not obsess over how tired your jaw/mouth is becoming. Great post Moules! I don't disagree with this statement but if true I am curious as to why they would be worried about cams. These two have done everything imaginable on cam. Martina made love to Nelly with Alberto playing video games. They are one of the least shy couples ever, including lettiing her brother see her use the bathroom. So why would the cameras cause them to be inhibited now? If, in fact, Alberto previously has fucked Marta off-cam, why not now? Not arguing but trying to imagine a plausible explanation. To me, I am guessing the girls are simply not into each other's man. But I would have expected Marta and Martina to do more together in front of their guys. And if Martina and Alberto has done these sorts of things off-cam ... is it really that much of a stretch to assume a similar "foursome not a foursome" with Bogdan and Nelly? I did not realize this until you pointed it out. Yes they had another house guest! It just reinforces how open they are because I cannot imagine having house guests and then saying to them "beer is in the fridge, here's the TV remote, enjoy yourself as Marta and I are going to fuck our guys now ... see you later". If I was the house guest, I would say "keep the remote, I will watch you".
  19. Of course I am being sarcastic and (hopefully) humorous. The point remains: You and DeepDave and a few others think Martina goes out all night and has a good time partying but would never ever have sex behind Alberto's back. When asked about Nelly the response is "well, she's bisexual and would never have sex with a man". Like I said many many times, I am skeptical of this position but it could be true. She likes her fun that is for sure. It's one of the reasons I am attracted to her. But assuming that she came back to get her sex lube, how does this explain your POV that she does not have sex when she is out all night? Maybe she needs that to bate? Having said that, it is possible that bottle of cream is not sex lube although just about any lotion can be used as sex lube if you are in need. I think there is agreement that this is sex lube because some viewers acknowledge that the same bottle was used during the foursome-that-was not-a-foursome. I have not gone back to look at the foursome to confirm this myself (see even I am tiring of all of this). I actually have more pedestrian questions now that I have my sub back. Like, don't they miss that large glass top table? And I am surprised their new sofa is smaller.
  20. Agree with you my friend. It was rather lame. But admittedly it did cause me to do a short 1 month re-up of my sub. I will offer that some people might want to spice up their sex life by having sex next to another couple so they can watch the other couple fuck. I think they call these people voyeurs.
  21. Who knows anymore Yelt. Honestly, it's all getting rather tedious. I'm waiting for DeepDave and others to chime in that it was NOT sex lubricant she was taking for her evening out, but rather hand sanitizer she uses after shaking so many hands at her midnight bible study class. Interesting how on this observation they are silent.
  22. It could be hand cream. Unless someone has noticed a dark colored plastic bottle like that being used for sex. Of course these kinds of lotions are somewhat interchangeable.
  23. I see her on REPLAY on Jan 4 at 09:48 AM on Cam 4. She's in the bath off the hall. Today Jan 5 at 21:18 she appears to arrive home on Cam 5 Hall. This is an absence of 36 hours. Not "a few days". I'm sure you are correct that Martina visited her sister and the new baby. I have no reason to doubt you. You are probably wired in tight with EMNV and OMEDO and you know everything there is to know about this couple and it excites you to have this power over us. I actually think Martina and Alberto are doing well and as I have stated before you are probably right that there is nothing to see here. I have always acknowledged that you likely more right than wrong. She loves to party away from Alberto but it seems to work for them. She seems resigned to stick with Alberto even though it's not always been happy happy between them. I was excited about the foursome this past weekend but it was really not that exciting ... along the lines of Anthony/Carlos and others in B5. Yet it remains annoying to me that even when people here yank your chain (e.g. "she must be with Nelly") you are obsessed with defending this couple in a knee-jerk fashion as if they are your sister and brother-in-law.
  24. Looks like a nice celebration happening tonight. I hope Martina has several wonderful orgasms tonight. Happy New Year everyone! Here's a toast to a great 2023 and may everyone find true happiness no matter how that looks to each of us. I've dialed this place back quite a bit as most of you know. I was thinking just now, what happened to @ddhm ? He is to me like the scarecrow was to Dorothy. I know my time involvement has been reduced but I do keep up with 1 or 2 apartments and I don't think I've seen a post from him in ages. What are all of you doing with all this excess free time you have not reading dreadfully long posts from DD and I????? All the best in 2023!!!
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