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Everything posted by thinga69

  1. The middle finger he said that meant "I love you". It happened when they were in the Terrace. It was joke, of course.
  2. That we can see by our on eyes. 😅 And I don't know how if they only eat vegetables. Must be the beer.
  3. The guy got naked in from of the girls. I think only Viv saw his dick.
  4. This is the thing that I wrote on Masha's thread. When she did a "gangbang" with the dudes allot of people were calling her names. If Nana and Viv were fucking this guy in the tub it would be the same.
  5. Yesterday I saw her wearing the pad, today she wasn't wearing but maybe she has a tampon.
  6. Was really hard to understand, but at one time at the table I think her said that Viv looked like his mom.
  7. What I could understand correctly he asked if they can set the movie in Russian and the subtitles in English. But I might miss the context. The mic is too low.
  8. OMG they invited the guy to Netflix and shill? I'll LMAO if that happens.
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