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Everything posted by yelt

  1. I see..So you are watching? Is the trip made up and they are at the clubhouse, Laughing all the way to the bank?
  2. Sounds about right. What a loss for RCL? They just continues to go down hill, like so many other business affected by covid. One could speculate they got caught up in a lie with the travel note or the parent disapprove of the relationship or they are having the time of their lives.
  3. Has anyone heard how the dual of M&N are doing? I can't wait till they return and Alberto and Bogdan find out M&N are moving in together.
  4. Does anyone know what happened? How it ended or why? Did she keep that a secret or share with Alberto all the details?
  5. Does anyone know how much they get paid? Would the sex between the two be view as much if they moved in together or become as boring as the sex between Bogdan and Nelly? How much longer before the sex between M&N get boring? One other question maybe someone can answer_Who paid for the trip or know how the visit is going with the parents?
  6. And it is possible that she is also lying to her family. What must they think of Alberto?
  7. You are correct.. She has no moral. Many (women and men) make a living having sex on the internet, its called porn. It is the way she seems to be ruining others or stepping on others for her wild addiction.
  8. That's right Nelly's going to do what the other girls do. She's going to get tired of Martina. Martina is just a good shot for Nelly. I agree with this. Someone will fall hard and it may not be Nelly. As I mentioned before and I believe all have witnessed, Nelly is only into the relationship to have a way with someone. I would say that Martina is to trusting of Nelly, does not know enough about her in 4 months.
  9. Wow! Excellent Point! So if she and Nelly did not go to her parents, they both lied! I also believe Alberto is definitely hurt and trying to figure out what to do.
  10. Wow! Excellent Point! So if she and Nelly did not go to her parents, they both lied!
  11. Is she going to tell her when she gets there? Or will she have to figure it out? I am sure she will immediately see how Nelly is just a fake. Did Martina pay for the trip?
  12. What is so interesting about Alberto and Martina balcony?
  13. Well then, perhaps RLC can use someone that has no respect for others or cannot be discretionary. Her whole family knows about Nelly, what they do, where they go. And I guess they know she is fucking Alberto and a married women. They raised good girl!
  14. Wow.that's a long time. I agree with you comments, the RLC money, the mental stability and if something not so friendly occurs and RLC has to shutdown the apartment. I see that it is starting to weight heavy and Alberto is definitely smart enough to know something is going to happen. I believe he has been there for her and was trying to cut back on the video games, the couch overnighters. It is pretty touch to change the attitude Marty has with the Nail. Maybe Alberto will be there or maybe he will surprise us all and walkaway.
  15. You are correct! She seem to want it earlier as a parting gift before leaving with Nelly but Alberto had some reservations. Then decided to do it
  16. Martina has once again shown disrespect for the relationship she has with Alberto and I hope on her return that he will send her to that country although unfortunately I think she does not have the balls to do so. When you say "to send her to the country" what do you mean?
  17. I see..Well I am certain respect those that are bi-sexual. But those that disrespect others like Martina with anyone in her way like Bogdan and Alberto, I hope she gets stepped on.
  18. Marina is a very pretty young woman, and with Nelly she discovered herself! She had "what some might call", a feminine attraction to Nelly! Are you saying she was always bi-sexual?
  19. I agree. To think you are in love in 4 months especially with someone that is already married, someone will fall hard. It all seems so disrespectful whether there is agreement. You can only survive so long before someone get hurt. And it all that everyone is saying and Nelly and Bogdan have that strong a relationship, It will be Martina that fall hard. It will be a well deserved learning experience for what you don't do to people. However, I sense she will make the same mistake over and over.
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