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Everything posted by yelt

  1. Perhaps the best for Bogdan is to let Nelly go. Similar to Martina, she lost the English girl, then found Nelly, if Nelly goes Martina will find another and the same for Nelly. I don't know why but I believe Nelly is already looking for another girl lover.
  2. Do you know who the present from or for that Nelly would throw it away?
  3. Thanks. I see that Martina is being the aggressor! Nelly being more reserved?
  4. It is almost midnight. Does Barcelona still have a curfew? If they do where are all those ladies going to sleep tonight?
  5. Good Day, I don't see what you are seeing but instead more separation and hesitancy. Thoughts?
  6. You are correct. I did see they brought there own beer, My mistake. Thank you
  7. I am sure you are right! Did anyone notice the only 2 drinking is Megan and Martina?
  8. Agreed! Unless Bogdan, who is in the garage joins the room. Maybe a 3-some at last?
  9. What do you me by " as a gift he was entitled to Holly in a hotel this afternoon"? Also, he may have left for a while but not to leave Nelly and Martina but to leave the girls alone.
  10. Megan is leaving. Is Holly also leaving? Are you saying Alberto is thinking about going to B4 for the farewell? Could it be a combination Martina has completed her exam and farewell party? Martina may have matured a bit with the Nelly relationship. She may be more cautious but will probably have sex with Nelly and leave. If not, Bogdan may have crushed the relationship with a conversation with Nelly. I also think Nelly is already looking for another relationship outside. Who knows with a little alcohol and music, Martina, Nelly and Megan may have goodbye sex as a gift?
  11. I see. I wish she had read my post on not using her mouth.
  12. Let the training begin. She gave Alberto a kiss and he moved his head somewhat and she moved it back and gave him more kisses. Is she reading our posts?
  13. Does anyone know if Nelly and Martina have setup a meeting? Or are they just being text buddies?
  14. Alberto, You knucklehead! She won't have to wait long or try that hard with Nelly. I will say he was trying to have sex last night. But Martina was acting as if she had a big old stick up her butt. Very distance and not wanting to be touched.
  15. I agree with what you are staying but I also agree it takes two to tango. I believe he loves her and she loves him. But they have to work together and that is where maturity comes to play. Although she is younger, she has to help train him. I did see one of there lovemaking sessions where she was guiding his hands about her clit. She needs to do more of that. She has very sensitive breast and places her hand on his to guide him to play more with her breast. She needs to do the same further down. Do not let him cum until she is ready for him to cum in her. There needs to be more foreplay where she cums first then him. She needs to take control. More touching, kissing use of her hands on his penis and not her mouth or both. He will be fine with that.
  16. Sorry, Guess I missed that! Does being drunk or heavily intoxicated while having sex count as having sex?
  17. I agree with both.. Alberto needs to man up or get kick to the curb. Come on Martina put your foot down and close your legs to Alberto until he straighten's up!!!!! You got others... Nelly for passion and sex. Martina has not had sex for 6 days!! When is Nelly back?
  18. Martina is crying and having a real hard time right now. Does anyone know what it is about? I think Alberto is getting ready to go for a ride and really should stay with her.
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