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Posts posted by poncherello

  1. 4 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

    Contro e contro...come fai con Wolf e Massi...e non potrai fare diversamente...che ipocrita lol, mi stai uccidendo con le tue cazzate quotidiane lol. 

    If it were true that it happened at your funeral I would jump for joy. Do you never stop meddling or do you really think you're the biggest pain in the ass on earth? Know, unfortunately for you, that there are others before you so not even in this ranking you can think of being number 1

    • Upvote 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

    ha bisogno della sua dose giornaliera di proteine finché riesce a riceverle da lui, soprattutto se stasera andrà alla festa

    la cosa divertente è che se Sara torna a casa dopo aver scopato è tutta sola, Daytona e Numi se ne sono andati lol

    She went in the afternoon because perhaps the Unnameable is going to a birthday party this evening for which she is left without

  3. 18 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

    c'è stato un grande cambiamento nel karma e nelle interazioni di massimo. il karma è molto più caldo al massimo nelle ultime due settimane. presta attenzione e lo vedrai anche tu.

    I had already seen it but I think it's to wake up Sara so that she realizes that he appreciates everyone but first of all himself. I hope it ends like this, it would certainly be a bad evolution if things go further

    • Thanks 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

    ah quindi ok, mi sono solo ricordato che voleva tornare stasera, ma devo aver già cancellato il forse nella mia testa (sry, non volevo insultarti adesso)

    Don't worry, you can always change your mind. I observed Karma when she returned this night, coincidentally shortly after the return of I .... and M ... and so I think they spent the evening together. This morning she greeted him pleasantly from the window and then she concluded by sending him a kiss. He was in her room getting dressed and was all excited by the kindness Karma had shown towards her. Has something changed?

  5. 5 minuti fa, Rattlesnake316 ha detto:

    Stavo solo chiedendo chi ha detto che Max non tornerà prima di stasera, e non già stasera😄

    I had written it but with a "maybe" in front because he wasn't sure he would stay outside, in fact he was trying to organize a dinner for four so his return was uncertain. Today he has a birthday to celebrate but I think he is in the villa otherwise there would be no point in him returning tonight

  6. 1 hour ago, Lasse said:

    Daytona ha detto a Numi che Sara andrà con Massi a Cipro. È stanca della gente di RLC e vuole nuove avventure. Ha anche detto che si sposeranno per risolvere i problemi del visto e che lei otterrà un passaporto italiano.

    Did Sara say these things in her sleep? The Inn.....and M.....and is already busy with someone "not called Sara". But believing in it costs nothing

  7. 2 hours ago, TfiDeano said:

    Da quello che ho letto sembrava che Karma avesse mandato un messaggio a Ponch per dirgli che non ha scopato Wolf fuori cam, quindi a meno che non lo abbia fatto, nessuno sa REALMENTE cosa fanno Karma e Wolf insieme fuori cam, almeno per dirlo e ammettiamolo... ha importanza... no, sono entrambi giovani e si divertono e preferisco vedere persone felici su RLC piuttosto che persone tristi come Seda di recente... era qualcos'altro, ma la maggior parte delle cose qui sono ovviamente speculazioni e a volte le persone negano qualcosa di cui in realtà non sanno nulla ma vogliono credere a qualcosa di diverso. È divertente però, da tutti i punti di vista e da tutti i membri. 

    How witty is Karma? It seems that she also sends messages to others in which she says that she joyfully fucks the I....t ED away from the cams. And we who thought she was just a prostitute and escort and instead she is also a liar?

  8. To those who still expect to see Karma masturbating openly, or complain that he hasn't done anything in three months, I like to remember 4 good fucks with Sara, 4 good fucks with Chris even if many don't like their way of doing things sex (it's his philosophy of life, his way of thinking, they can't all be like Sara, Ginger, Gina... it would be very boring and these last two days prove it with Sara's fucks that no one watches anymore. Marlene, Lavika and Karma exist, whether you like it or not. This is what RLC wants and this is what Karma offers). I'm reminded of a wonderful tub with Sara after sending the I.....and M.....e home with blue balls, and two tubs with the I....t ED who won't fuck her never. Karma might want to but he's the I....t ED so it will never happen. This means doing nothing so I remind you of Monica's wonderful fucks, Esmi's open-air masturbations, Luna's BJs, Nana's memory dildo games, Shantal's balancing acts and how can you forget Tonya's sexual orgies or KellY? Just to remember the last ones: I still have tears in my eyes from the pleasure I felt. All these people who complain are depraved perverts and inconsistent with themselves, ridiculous hypocrites who hate Karma because she still hasn't gotten fucked by I........and Me........and! It's time to stop, you're miserable

    • Thanks 3
    • Haha 2
    • Upvote 3
  9. To date the I.......t ED has never fucked Karma either on cam or off cam. They are stupid fantasies of those who have time to waste. Today they went out together because Karma goes to school in the afternoon, he said so two days ago, and as Pajero said after less than two hours he was already in B2, clearly to eat. The unmentionable m.....and we won't see him until tomorrow evening because he has gone to town and has a series of commitments including someone's birthday tomorrow evening and perhaps this evening a dinner for four with the " his girlfriend", is how he and another couple define her. "His girlfriend" is not Sara

    • Haha 1
  10. 33 minutes ago, happyone said:

    Deve ancora masturbarsi apertamente, quindi molti di noi stanno ancora aspettando quell'evento epico...

    Then you'll miss me openly and deliberately showing you my asshole smashed by the Inn......,,and then you'll miss me fucking dressed as a nurse or a nurse, then you'll miss me fucking over the B7 kitchen counter with a stranger, then you will miss him....... . then she will always miss something and I'm starting to think so

  11. 36 minutes ago, Lasse said:

    Sara e Karma si baciavano e abbracciavano quando si incontravano per la prima volta la mattina. Ora Karma ha portato con sé la colazione ed è andata a mangiare al B7 invece di stare con una Sara molto negativa. Sarebbe interessante se qualcuno potesse raccontare cosa è stato detto!


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    Maybe it's all wrong but I seem to have understood, from the little that the translator helped me with, that Sara reproached Karma for something, saying in the end that she has always been positive. I repeat, everything could be wrong and only Wafercop or Amiya can help us. There was too much background noise and the atmosphere was cold, I would say frozen No hugs but a simple good morning

  12. 8 minuti fa, Mauri ha detto:

    Kili e kili di pepe😒

    A big bullshit that fortunately the Russians eat, who know what they are doing, otherwise in Italy they would have kicked him in the ass. He diluted the ricotta with water, prepared bundles of bread dough to make a good impression, things that in Italy make the Zulus shudder and he abounded in chilli pepper and other herbs, perhaps marjoram, to hide the bad tastes

    • Haha 1
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