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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. Karma said she wasn't angry but was very disappointed about what happened on New Year's Eve. Karma knows how to find the right words and unfortunately we can't understand everything they say. I really hope that Karma will be able, in fact I'm convinced of it because she is deeply in love with Sara, to save her. That 9 minute kiss in the tub after the provocation to the unmentionable M... and!
  2. I understood that but I preferred to add my opinion. Thanks anyway for understanding that everyone has an opinion and that even if it isn't acceptable it should be respected. I won't dwell on the unmentionable M....le so as not to become boring but it reassures me to have confirmation that 98% of the forum participants think like me
  3. I would like to add that Cecilia has a boyfriend, a nagging one, and it seems that Karma is free at the moment (excluding Sara and the idiot ED) so if it is not essential she prefers to stay in B4 - I would also like to say that if there were a choice to be made between Sara and the idiot AND the choice would certainly fall on the former
  4. Last week Karma told Neytiri that he was going out to visit the friends he lived with before joining the project and that he had to do some work around the house. Most likely, as someone said, the same thing happened this time too, this would explain that she was poorly equipped for the night because she will certainly have what she needs at her house
  5. Having been a member since 2017 I think I know RLC and I have always accepted it, with some exceptions obviously especially in recent times. If things go badly it is certainly the fault of RLC, inappropriate tenants, uncertain girls, absent girls, empty beds, parties dragged out forcefully, stays too long to unnerve the tenants. It is not easy to stay closed within 4 walls for 3 months (initially it was like this) but now the times are longer and longer and this is not good and what still ruins it are the returns, I say that after the second stay there should be no more returns.
  6. It depends on what you expect. I liked it when they danced and sang together, then undressed a little at a time and groped each other. Rather than toxic presences as is happening now, I preferred this
  7. ""how is it going with karma and sara in their good friendship will be shown in poncherello when wolf returns and if karma will spend more time with wolf than with sara (but these are just thoughts that go through my head)""""To reply to who previously quoted me in a story between the idiot ED and Karma, I'm not interested in who takes Karma to bed, the important thing is that she wants it and doesn't have to give in to continuous and insistent harassment, sometimes even with force, by anyone
  8. In any case, this night the unnameable m.....and that some here call a sociopath said goodbye today to Sara so we expect to see him arrive, late but he arrives, and he will ruin a girls' evening as some expected
  9. And it wouldn't be the first time he returns with Sara and Daytona after reuniting in the city
  10. I am convinced that we will understand what happened in these 24 hours because someone will tell it to someone, either English or Russian someone will translate it for us
  11. Maybe she went to her elderly friend with whom she loves to chat for hours and hours or maybe she's with Sara or maybe, why not, she's with the unmentionable me? That unmentionable m.......and that you call a psychopath here?
  12. Why meet outside spending money on food and accommodation when in B4 or B7 they have heating, free rooms, free food and also economic benefits for appearing on cam?
  13. Don't answer him, ignore him. He hasn't yet realized that he is the only one left to defend the indefensible. BUT........ MAYBE HE IS RIGHT AND WE ALL ARE WRONG?
  14. But why stupid? She's at her house, someone else is out of place
  15. Can we know the contents of both? (4.37pm and 5.02pm)
  16. On the first phone call (16,37) he responded to a message from Sara and at 17.02pm he only received a voice message from a man's voice
  17. Look, I don't like Tantra, I've always said this especially since I discovered that he's married but I'm honest, I like the unmentionable and idiotic ED much less. Karma will soon be out and no one will know anything about her anymore but as long as she is in her house I prefer her to be with those who understand her, with those who treat her like a woman and give her the pleasure she seeks. I add that it was sincere and it was Karma's choice to continue with the relationship. I would never, ever want to see her experience moments of greater intimacy with those two poor souls, an exploiting molester and a wimp who needs injections (maybe it's true) to be able to......
  18. Why won't there be idiot ED? I understand that he will only be absent for 2 or 3 days. . In any case, if it weren't better this way, would we relive an old girls' party?
  19. I think I guessed from a phone call from the unmentionable that there will be a party this weekend and he won't be able to accept another invitation, he felt obliged to stay in the villa
  20. If Sara doesn't return "high", or on alcohol or other substances, this is still an evening with Karma who has made the bed
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