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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. Tienes razón, soy miembro desde 2017 pero cuando mi suscripción caduca también la cancelo, no es solo porno, también es vulgar.
  2. I have to say that Tatiana's asshole is certainly better than Tantra's
  3. Hey honey. Is this a good way to start? Hey sweetie, box of chocolates filled with various flavors, jar of honey with mountain flowers, is it true that you have the social contacts of my favorite girl? Could I perhaps have them in private so as not to expose them here? Are you good for sweetness, sweet cheeks? 🥰🥰🥰
  4. How right you are. It's nice to remember only what's convenient. Have a great week and spread the "unbro" love
  5. After Marilyn took the can out I think. However, it was just someone else's courage that was in question
  6. Hey, sweet cheeks. Do you remember that night when guys in B4 showed up, it looked like they were armed with guns and the big pig went and hid? A girl came out to calm the situation. Didn't you see him last night when she opened the fridge in B7 and ran away to hide in the wardrobe because a coke can whistled? Luckily Marilyn arrived to save everyone. There's something for everyone if you look around
  7. The ability to always question others, never an examination of conscience and never a "mea culpa" is incredible. I think I understand who the person you're talking about is. In fact, I'm surprised I don't see her online anymore and I understand it. He was mocked and almost insulted because others profess to be translators, in my opinion cheap translators. I assure you that all his translations were 95% faithful because they were in line with what I received from my translator
  8. J'ai mon propre traducteur de confiance, je ne manque pas un seul mot de ce qui se dit en russe et en anglais. Ce sont des déclarations de Karma et Sara après la soirée passée avec des amis que Karma fréquentait avant de rejoindre B4. Des amis proches et fiables, dont deux connaissent parfaitement Chris car ils fréquentent le même groupe de personnes qui suivent la même spiritualité. Ce n'est pas un gourou qui dirige une secte. Ici, quelqu'un dit qu'il la suit sur Instagram mais ce n'est pas vrai car sinon ils sauraient beaucoup de choses sur elle, une en particulier qui concerne l'événement du 9 mars. Tu te souviens quand ils sont sortis à 4 le soir avec le gros cochon et Sara ?
  9. Tout le monde l'aime, sauf deux personnes, pour cette raison mais il n'y a pas d'autres raisons. C’est l’enfer qui s’est déchaîné sur cette question. Voyons ce qui se passe maintenant que j'ai lu ce que l'administrateur a écrit
  10. Elle est détestée parce qu'elle est la seule fille que le gros cochon ne pouvait pas baiser
  11. You remember the big pig right? The record holder of the blue balls, bigger than the ones he brought home Samson
  12. Don't forget that there's basically a reason for all this hatred: she's the only one who passed through RLC from November onwards who didn't get fucked by the big pig
  13. From the way Chris behaves I think he is included in the list of the 10 sex maniacs of Spain and Germany. He's really worse than Daytona, he doesn't even leave her when he gets up from the chair, his hands are always sticky. IT'S SHAMEFUL. This asshole gets angry when someone "disturbs" him by coming into the kitchen like Naya did today, sex maniac. And then he writes love letters to say... "I don't want to separate from my wife but I like our reaction as it is" YOU BAD ASSHOLE GO AWAY AND DON'T COME BACK. Sara has to work a lot on Karma to get a good result. Karma stop, you only make enemies if you behave like this. He has a lot of time to waste, but you live in a small community to preserve. I would be curious to know if he really has a wife or is it an excuse to not take on commitments and responsibilities. You are destroyed when he arrives, WAKE UP
  14. It will change even for the better when Karma gets rid of this puppet,
  15. I don't share your opinion, even if I respect it, because the climate in B4 has improved since Sara, let's remember with the help of the girls so there isn't one who didn't agree, I was saying since Sara took kick the poor innocent's ass. The one of open relationships, for him but not for others, currently the record holder of blue balls. Having said this, I assure you that Sara and Karma will leave when RLC decides. And there will be those who will jump for joy and others who won't
  16. I understand Karma that not everyone likes but Sara? Sara hasn't fucked the big pig in just 7 days and are you already tired?
  17. But now that he's finished being a pain in the ass in B2 he'll start again in B7, never mind, we'll get over it
  18. Just one moment isn't enough for you, it took him two days to collect the blue balls
  19. By the way, did you see that the big pig took refuge in B2 to avoid having to pay for room and board in Barcelona? He tried to fuck Dayana's aunt and couldn't (a poor BJ pushing her head towards his cock, no will on her part), he tried to fuck Dayana and couldn't, he tried to get Dayana into a threesome and Dayana said yes but she already had the third one, that is the male. Poor boy, three days of blue balls. A certainly positive result: he saved on food and accommodation costs
  20. Tant mieux si les filles lisent CC. Cela aidera Karma à comprendre à quel point il est important, pour elle, de se débarrasser de Chris. Elle est prisonnière de son égoïsme, elle est prisonnière de ses mensonges. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi elle l'accepte encore après avoir su qu'il sort avec beaucoup d'autres femmes de la même manière. Un vagabond sans le sou qui ne peut offrir aucun avenir. L'obscurité autour de lui
  21. At EL PRAT airport in Barcelona there is a big notice that they found a suitcase full of shoes from Russia. Someone tell Naya that her shoes have arrived
  22. Sara prépare un gâteau au citron pour tout le monde
  23. You're right, it would be enough to remove the switches, you don't need to be smarter
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