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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. May I ask how you managed to translate? With which program and in which language?
  2. But I don't care if it's over or not, we knew that Sara plays and lives as a free spirit. What worries me is that he doesn't give any news about himself because I notice a lot of concern from Sara's attitude. But maybe I'm wrong to worry
  3. From Sara's attitudes I was convinced that she would return but instead at a certain point Sara became nervous. Did you see Sara's smile that she thought was Karma when she heard the front door open and the disappointment appear on her face?
  4. Karma mi sembra una ragazza molto razionale e la sua scomparsa non mi sembra normale. Forse era aarrabbiata con Sara che l'ha lasciata sola due giorni ma questo non giustifica una lunga assenza. Mi sorprende che Octavia non si preoccupa per cui lei sa qualcosa Karma seems like a very rational girl to me and her disappearance doesn't seem normal to me. Maybe she was angry with Sara for leaving her alone for two days but this doesn't justify her long absence. I'm surprised Octavia doesn't care so she knows something
  5. Man, this thing worries me. Where did she end up with those few clothes and with whom? But how do you know that she didn't go to the party with the others who went out with her?
  6. almost 35 km and with traffic 40 - 45 minutes by bus and a little less by car
  7. Can anyone help me? I was out for 15 days without a computer because it was broken. Now I'm back but I no longer log into XCAMFAN.COM and it tells me that the certificates are invalid. I know that some of you are also registered in XCamFan and I am looking for help to get back in. Can anyone help me? Qualcuno mi può aiutare? sono stato fuori 15 giorni senza computer perchè era rotto. Ora sono ritornato ma non entro pià in XCAMFAN.COM e mi dice che i certificati non sono validi. So che alcuni di voi sono iscritti anche in XCamFan e cerco aiuto per rientrare. Qualcuno mi può aiutare?
  8. If violence is beautiful to watch, something isn't working in the two of you. Good night
  9. You idiot, you tell someone else, maybe some of your relatives because I didn't offend anyone, I just told the facts. If RLC removed it it means I was right and I will persist until they both get kicked out
  10. I'm sorry but I didn't like that scene, it wasn't funny and it wasn't worth laughing: Elli even started crying. I wrote to RLC to kick those two out and in fact they canceled the 40 minute scene. Now I wrote again because the person responsible is Vencel who held Vladellia and that other idiot who; it almost violated Elli
  11. I already wrote about the lamp in Stacy's room and they replied that they will take care of it immediately
  12. Vencel è andato a pisciare nella vasca da bagno mentre Elli e Vladellia dormono
  13. RLC answered me like this "HI, Thanks for your interest. Elli knows about Vencel's presence and it shouldn't be a problem. The vase mentioned has been moved. The rest of your feedback has been forwarded to the person responsible.
  14. I think he has nowhere to go so he exploits Elli, yesterday washing and dinner, a bed to sleep in, a bed to fuck. In a few days Elli wakes up and throws him out which will hurt even more: he is a poor guy without a job and a home.
  15. I think it's the other guy who can't come here because Vencel was expected to be there but he doesn't think he can be such an asshole. Vladellia certainly let her know about this situation and it's time for her Elli to show that she is mature
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