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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. I complained several times but RLC never responded to justify
  2. Ho già scritto che era rientrata ma nel treyed di B1
  3. Elmira had begun to open up to Esmi and it seemed to me that there was a good harmony between them. Then unfortunately there was the change and Elmira became the "Queen of blankets". But she's not the only one, Anya also prefers the bed, like Kimberly, or Linda?
  4. Someone says that Britney went on a trip (4 days without her will be difficult in B4) with Serafima but two things don't add up: Britney is on vacation until February 11th and she left without any luggage, Serafima didn't notify the absence but went out with a small suitcase. Maybe?
  5. Someone says that Britney went on a trip (4 days without her will be difficult in B4) with Serafima but two things don't add up: Britney is on vacation until February 11th and she left without any luggage, Serafima didn't notify the absence but went out with a small suitcase. Maybe?
  6. Look at that moron Miron. Antony is sleeping on the sofa of the LR, he could go to his room which I think shouldn't be far away, he takes a seat on the other sofa and turns on the TV. A fine example of education and respect. What can you expect from guys like that?
  7. You don't need to be on drugs to be stupid. It's easy to be, just look like her and Miron and Antony
  8. I believe that Raniya is responsible for this way of doing boys who, left alone without Elettra's company, found in Bulldog someone who listened to her and let him enter through all the holes, except hers obviously
  9. Now even Antony has learned to enter through the kitchen door. It is a shame that RLC does not intervene despite the numerous complaints and reports in this regard. The girls put up with it and I don't understand why since they are two idiots who are certainly not good at fucking. But maybe, as someone says, it's an excuse not to undress?
  10. Maintenant, même Antoine a appris à entrer par la porte de la cuisine. Il est dommage que RLC n'intervienne pas malgré les nombreuses plaintes et signalements à ce sujet. Les filles s'en accommodent et je ne comprends pas pourquoi puisque ce sont deux idiotes qui ne sont certainement pas douées pour baiser. Mais peut-être, comme dit quelqu'un, c'est une excuse pour ne pas se déshabiller ?
  11. No, it went wrong because Teresa is someone who talks, talks, talks and does nothing
  12. All can be. By now nothing surprises me anymore: indeed there is one thing that would surprise me and that is to see Miron grappling with a pussy
  13. In fact, I don't think Alsou is Loraine's sister and I don't think Antony is Tim's brother
  14. The two males of B7 are really stupid to follow the girls to the rooms but the girls who don't block them are even more stupid
  15. Okay, everyone happy? I don't, I don't think we'll see much from Britney so far from the city but it's better this way at least she's far from the negative influence of Serafima
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