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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. It's time for her to swap with her sister
  2. It would be nice if something nice and long-term developed between Hawk and Katarina and if a different kind of interpersonal relationships finally developed in B4 than we can currently "admire".
  3. Rarely, but you are welcome to post yourself, you will find plenty in Premium
  4. He will just move into her bedroom
  5. Not AI, she has flicked the bean many times
  6. Do nov rely on the dates on the video title from where you found it, they are not accurate, they put in the date they post.
  7. Were you looking in the mirror when you came up with that? Just in case you are interested, go to B2 they are talking about your beloved Wolfy in there......
  8. By plane it's 858 km (533 miles) By train it's 1210 km (752 miles) By car it's 1,356 km (844 miles)
  9. Why? her appearance is far from hideous Medusa is generally described as a woman with living snakes in place of hair; her appearance was so hideous that anyone who looked upon her was turned to stone.
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