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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. Fiora is not my type either, I don't find her even the slightest bit attractive
  2. See this ^^^^^^^ It means we don't need VVVVV this 4 hours later FFS!! stop drooling Was that really necessary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  3. Ok, nothing to see here, last comment >>>>>>> move onto Home Activities #2
  4. Your pathetic drooling is bad enough in Leora's activities, so get back there & stop trying to fuck Masha's up too!!!!!!
  5. I was a fan of Megan & Irma, I like Linda's chest puppies
  6. WOW! 3 pages of dribbling & drooling (Except for a couple of comments by SG) Why don't you rename this 'PF's drooling over Leora'
  7. Hmm, very much a plain jane Oh no! Do you think she was a virgin!
  8. Nah, she has to wait until the cleaner changes the cum stained sheets
  9. Nelly & Bogan are coming back, it will re-open with them, hot tip, you read it here first!
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