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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. Whose the girl black pants, white T-Shirt that Lacrim's got his paws all over? Now Fior is moving in on her.
  2. Well, I asked her, she told me, you proove otherwise
  3. You are a complete goose, time to jump back into your Tesla & head back to your cave on Mars, you know nothing about Australia.
  4. So now you attack Australia to deflect from the lies you have been spouting, pretty sure Jethro Tull named a song after you!
  5. I think he is one of the illiterate that he's talking about
  6. Yep, real high tech, maybe you should get out to the rice paddies & villages, have a look at the poverty, take off your blinkers, you are only seeing what you want to see, stop trying to justify your lies.
  7. Good chance we will see Lali eat out Cecilia again, would be good if Lali allowed Cecilia to reciprocate.
  8. That doesn't change the fact that English is the most spoken language. Your reply is rude, you are just trying to justify your lie. Nearly 3/4 of Chinese speaking people are illiterate, but you won't see that on this board.
  9. Actually you are wrong, the most spoken language in the world is English, with Chinese second.
  10. Poor Lacrim, home alone, must have lost his invitation 🤣
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