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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. Madison now also topless, obviously the open top was a hindrance
  2. How about we get back on topic...................................... Sara and Medusa in the kitchen
  3. I wonder if Amalia will get it on with the redhead
  4. Hmm, how about if she actually used her rabbit that she bought during her 1st stay.
  5. Sorry, was just posting the typical stupid posts that Corvette would come up with
  6. Only 6 on her entire 2 stays, that's pathetic
  7. Obviously she knows & introduced Cassie to RLC, probably came along for the ride to help her settle in
  8. I'm surprised that Nadia hasn't claimed the big bedroom
  9. I don't think she has any other colour lingerie, it's hardly empty with Park sitting on the couch next to her.
  10. Linda showering her beautiful body
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