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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. Karol relaxing (Content No Longer Available)
  2. They are posted in CC Premium, so maybe you should join that https://camcaps.net/subscriptions/
  3. Don't waste your time with the kiddies, they don't have enough brain cells between them to be classified as slightly intelligent.
  4. I only see Dasha, Sophia and Chunky (not a guy)
  5. Read what my reply was to! Ulyana DOESN'T have OF
  6. Did you consult to your crystal ball?
  7. But she still had to walk through the kitchen, then up the stairs to the front door or Sara's bedroom. or down the stairs to Living room, lower level bedrooms or Fitness room.
  8. Are you related to upyourass? you both show the same immaturity
  9. There was no Dyana, so no name to remove.
  10. Then how can you classify it as bullshit
  11. I'd like to know that too, there is 2 blondes, is 1 Hypatia?
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