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A Gid Scots Laddie

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Posts posted by A Gid Scots Laddie

  1. 7 hours ago, EMMETT111 said:
    17 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

    There's no problem with M&A...all this speculation about these 2 is total bull!

    I presume you have proof that everything is ok and everyone that's saying somethings not right must be wrong, it certainly looks as if somethings going on in the background 


  2. 14 minutes ago, philo said:

    I made a mistake earlier by not recognizing in my earlier rant, that there are others who call out the bullshit artists on this forum. My omission was due to my reluctance to implicate others by name in my indictment. Having reconsidered my choices and having read her commentary, I must acknowledge that there are several others, most notably @JenniferMom, who also have a low tolerance for this propaganda and who consistently call them out.  I think the propaganda intended to protect Martina's image, is not only inspired by, but perhaps paid for by interests that are very different from the casual CamCaps member. I know such agents exist because I have had admissions and conversations with them in the past. A few years ago, one asked me to stop using the term "RLC agents". I agreed if he would stop the behavior. I only resumed this naming when the practice re-appeared to excess. Only long time participants in this forum will recall the day the Russians pulled the plug on RLC and most of the apartments were gone overnight. I was negatively financially impacted because I had just resubscribed on that same day. So do we think the Russians discontinued all of their involvement with RLC at that moment? It only take a little research to know who controls Russian internet interests. The techniques used by the agents on this forum are identical to the techniques that the Russians use to destabilize entire governments: creating alternative facts; promoting disunity and discord; creating counter-narratives even when observable evidence exist. These practices are well documented for anyone interested in learning about well honed Russian craft. Do your own research and compare what you find to what you see on this forum. Then come and talk to me.   

    I too enjoy calling him out but it doesnt make a blind bit of difference there is nothing that comes out his mouth that true 

    • Confused 1
  3. 2 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

    Again, why are you so invested in the long-term monogamous committed relationship between these two?  You protect them almost like Pulio and others protect Leora.  You have some ulterior motive.

    If the people here were outright hostile to Martina and Alberto, then I could see someone good natured as you wanting to defend them.   Yes there have been negative speculations, perhaps the most damning one being that perhaps Martina is a prostitute.  But by and large I think most people here -- the ones who are not in the "they are going to live happily ever after" camp -- simply feel that Martina is a free spirit and she is going to do whatever she is going to do.  Some feel that Alberto shouldn't put up with her crap; but that too is not really that caustic or mean-spirited in my view.  He actually does seem to be used by her.  The only way he isn't being used is if they are simply fuck buddies.

    You get really upset at @girlsfun2 but honestly she wishes more for Martina to be happy than you do.  You actually seem to want to force these two to be together for ever and ever.  And based on what we have seen (me for 18 months or so) ... it appears she has a ton of ways to be happy and more happier than being with Alberto.

    very well said 

    • Upvote 2
  4. 2 hours ago, BubbaG said:

    So anyway at 14:28 m had cramps and when she got up had started her period and celebrated "NO BABY"  She must have been worried about getting pregnant. Just in time for a weekend outing I think that's planned. 

    cramps will be the effects of the weekends drinking, her system getting back to normal 


  5. 6 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

     I do believe they are very very fond of each other.  They love each other.  But are they “in love” with each other

    I believe she puts up with him for now, yes there maybe love there you do catch a glimpse of it now and then, as for Alberto he cant believe his luck with Martina in somebody that actually wants to have amazing sex with him and rather than lose that she has a free reign to basically do what she wants (and she does)lets face if she goes were not going tune in to the apartment, when he was wondering about with his bits hanging out mmm well that wasn't good. but somethings got to happen or this "relationship" is doomed 

  6. 3 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

    I think odds are very high they are having sex.  This brings me to my question a few weeks ago:  Why do it off cam?

    My thoughts exactly surely if the were to have sex on cam then there must be enhanced payments especially with the amount of views it would receive, no point in hiding it now its been done its not exactly a secret I also believe theyre still having sex but only just recently  

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