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A Gid Scots Laddie

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Everything posted by A Gid Scots Laddie

  1. Albertos obviously tired and they're shouting there heads off very inconsiderate totally out of order
  2. this isnt his first rodeo, are you saying hes never fingered her arse before or even fucked her arse
  3. are you watching different videos to the rest of us, she's getting plenty stuck in her ass in fact if I'm not mistaken she actually likes a bit ass play
  4. what is martina wearing is going for a night out or a jog 😂
  5. because those people like to think they know something no one else knows and they want to be popular so they make up things people like to hear and it usually come from the same people
  6. If there's any infection its probably caused by Alberto sticking his dick in her ass then straight in her pussy not exactly hygienic is it
  7. if it meant having sex with Martina i'd do it for nothing, i'd even let her wake me during the night for it
  8. I'd say 99% on here is pure speculation from the same usually from the same people without looking at names you can tell who wrote it, there actually only two on here that I pay any attention you Jen being one the other one likes a fantasy but actually like reading them lol
  9. what speculations are talking about ive not seen anyone make a speculation on this post the only one on here that has a "booring" I think you mean boring and im sorry to be the one that says this is yourself the way you worship the two of them is kinda unhealthy verging on stalking you really should get out more get out and meet people maybe meet up with alberto might be good for both of you 😂
  10. was watching on my phone the last time she stayed so i dont know if I seen what I think I seen they were messing about in bed the morning after around 10am and Martina went in to her usual position on her front and rubbed one out and I know she definitely did that right in front of her
  11. depending on how horny she is, shes already sorted Alberto out and the way things have been going since he started the job he'll be sleeping in an hour
  12. a threesome, but with his luck it would be another guy
  13. obviously Taco will miss him that's what dogs do they miss there companion and don't forget Taco grew up with him
  14. my guess is that's she's too loyal to Nelly to go with anyone else remember when she was naked in the room with Gina dancing around the room nelly was well gone with the drink Gina tried hard to have sex with her but Martina wasn't having it
  15. as the song goes he aint seen nothing yet, compared to some of the apartments there sessions are a bit lame even going down on each other doesn't happen very much it does happen just not much, as my school report card used to say... could do better lol
  16. well you better go and wake him up because hes still sleeping 😊🤣
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