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A Gid Scots Laddie

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Everything posted by A Gid Scots Laddie

  1. ALBERTO doing exercises in front of the tv and not keeping up with the instructor
  2. martina arrived home 00.02 so it looks like she will turn in to a pumpkin after all
  3. Oh and I forgot about the fish. This is real life. ive got two dogs too I still manage a holiday to thailand twice a year with the wife so having dogs is no excuse the fish well you buy an automatic feeder for them, sorted
  4. A trip to McDonalds for a half pounder lol best known cure ever and a can of IRN-BRU If available
  5. 30 she must have had a hard paper round then (as we would say in Scotland) definitely rough around the edges
  6. I see Alberto's away to his bed early he'll be tired right enough, doing nothing can be hard work
  7. I don't think he does a lot of cycling thats for sure he's not the fittest looking guy so maybe he's got someone else
  8. Ive had the same situation with my wife I always knew in my mind that she was having sex with her bff but never said anything because i didn't want to embarrass her by letting her know what i was thinking so let it go, I'm sure it had been going on for a while they would even say why dont you go to the pub and were fine when i would roll in half pissed any what im getting at I met an old friend through Facebook we eventually hooked up it was the best sex id ever had she was in to everything, but my wife found out and she was none too happy and i hit with my trump card and said what about ****** she didn't deny it, me and my lover could have carried on my wife could have carried on too but it was obviously never going to happen . so one rule for one and another rule for her id say she's in to girls going by her favourites on her laptop all consisting of lesbian pages I also like a bit lesbian who doesn't lol id love to sit and watch it with her but cant see that happening anytime soon so im basically saying I kind of know where they're both coming from I always got the feeling my wife didn't see it as cheating because there was no dick involved so maybe Martina doesn't either hope this makes sense
  9. wondering how awkward its going to be around the breakfast table is going to be, I think they'll wait until he's out with dogs then when he comes back it will be as if nothing happened
  10. from what im seeing i actually think hes watching them on his phone
  11. is alberto a man or a mouse what guy gives up his bed so his partner can get her jollys from another woman im sorry id be asking where's my invite
  12. has alberto given his bed up for M&N they appear to be getting more than a bit comfortable
  13. if i was going to subscribe to RLC and saw all the heavy blurring and all the cameras that are off it doesn't exactly give you an insight to what your signing up for, its as if someone with power has been at the gin and taken a daft turn and hit the button
  14. seems nelly appears to be getting her fair share of free cameras, don't know why lol
  15. Ha-ha i thought that too I've been looking at the previews and thinking these new specks are useless RLC aren't exactly trying to pull new subscribers in are they, its like they have brought a new owner in and he's said this is how its gonna be no more freebies nothing it seems a very strange decision from the top
  16. the gym has always been free recently but now theres a show on its private seems theres a con going on lol
  17. as a two dog owner myself I personally think the dogs are on there own for way too long
  18. seriously you come out with a statement like I know where's she's going its like something out of the playground which would probably mean you don't know so hurry along the school bell has just gone oh and no bullying here just posting a fact
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