If Masha wants us to control her life..
For starters, I vote she reconcile with Roxy. As for Elvis, do whatever she wants.. OUTSIDE the apartment.
She will never be rid of him unless one of them moves, that's never going to happen. So just keep it outside, she isn't locked in the apartment, fresh air might do her good. Remember, the Sun is a discolight!
Could be a case of E&D were barely making ends meet, originally only Dima had a job, no idea what he does though. They may have convinced RLC to take over their lease and let them stay there?
Looking over the camera views, the only blind spot that I can determine is the toilet. That's better than most of the other apartments, that usually have one extra no camera room not shown on the floor plan.
Camera # and time stamp would have been sufficient. I just went off the age of the post and assumed it was in the neighborhood of the scene. I seriously only gave it a few minutes of scanning. If I found it, yay me.. if not, there would have been crickets.
The one that slept over the other night, was the one that stayed that night with her boyfriend and Park interrupted them having sex. I think she was having relationship issues, that's why she slept over.
He should just let them have a full night alone with Frisky spending the night. Then maybe he can finesse his way into some sort of threesome in the future.
Yeah, when they heard the door open, they quickly adjusted themselves. I'm thinking they don't think he knows, but I'm sure he does.
Frisky has looked like she has been deep in thought at times since he interrupted.