Masha, Elvis and Roxy all sat in the bath tonight, although Roxy wore her bra and panties.
No Babi around, although it seems like Elvis and Roxy are talking about her quite a bit.
Wonder if we may see a repeat threesome tonight.
Babi in the bathroom talking to Masha while she is taking a bath, interrupting Masha's masturbation time. Meanwhile.. Roxy is masturbating on the couch and Elvis is masturbating in the bedroom. It's a little comical to me.
She was there a few weeks or so ago. She was playing a truth or dare game on the couch with Scarlett. Scarlett was trying to start something with her that night, but she was camera shy, hence Scarletts reaction when she let her feel her boobs in the bedroom.
So what's happening? Did Masha and Elvis go away for a couple days or something and are leaving the apartment to Roxy & Babi? This could get interesting...
Now if she'd just stop shaving on the toilet and use a proper shaving cream/gel, fresh sharp razor and lotion/oil afterwards, so her crotch doesn't look like it has chicken pox.
Either way, she's been my favorite since she got here, I never once thought she wouldn't eventually open up.
Please somebody, anybody... sharpen Masha's kitchen knives before she hurts herself! They are as dull as a rubber band! It took her so much effort just to cut the ends off an onion.
I don't foresee that happening without certain criteria..
1. Wouldn't happen with Babi and her guy, Babi seems to view her as like a little sister.
2. Babi can't be there, she was really upset that it happened and chastised Roxi for it.
3. Roxi would have to be there solo with Masha and Elvis, which I think I've only seen once.
Like I said, she hasn't had near enough alcohol for her naughty escapades. And now I think Babi and her guy have polished off the rest of it. So, it will probably be a no go for anything exciting happening with her today.
This trio fascinates me. Babi is willing to do things with Roxi "sleeping" in the same room/bed as them, but they try to be secretive. But we know from past experiences, Roxi is usually never really sleeping and gets off on hearing, feeling the bed shake and getting occasional glances while she pretends to sleep. Does Babi really not know the perversions of her friend? Or is Babi just playing the game for her friend, feeding into her perversions?
I dunno about her trying to sleep, she has assumed her masturbation position. I think she's just waiting on Babi and her guy to fool around so she can listen and rub herself.