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james deen

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Everything posted by james deen

  1. the problem with rlc its not clear what it wants to be while vhtv is clear that its a porn website so it attracts the right kind of people while rlc doesnt and untill that changes rlc are always going to get boring girls and couples. girls like Nana and the twins would have been kicked off vhtv ages ago
  2. she was dressing like this when tesla and elian were there but then after they left she went to being nun nana and now im assuming pam has brought back whore nana
  3. i can imagine the girls would like to use the living room later so i dont think they will be too happy
  4. there is no signs they are going to break up anytime soon they look better then ever too me
  5. exactly the only way you are going to see these girls have real sex is with a guy because apart from maybe fiora you aint going to see these girls have real sex with woman
  6. For me this bs between radi and mila is the final nail in the coffin combined with the fake shows in b4 and b2, girls hiding their personal life, guys who can barely last 5 mins, girls taking vacations from their vacations and boring couples i am so done and im going back to vhtv.
  7. im sure if given a choice women would prefer one round of 40 mins with foreplay and multiple positions then 5 rounds with no foreplay in one position for between 1-4 mins
  8. one round between harley and her guy was longer then 5 rounds between dani and her guy
  9. Maskim and leia relationship has improved drastically since Kylie and rus has arrived
  10. if it was harley or even olivia instead of ulyana i think it would have been better
  11. since pam has been back in b1 she has gone out a lot by herself sometimes at night so who knows....
  12. shes sharing a room so never going to happen untill when or if she gets her own room
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