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james deen

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Everything posted by james deen

  1. timur and monica seem like really close friends. Every gathering they spend a lot of time together
  2. Easy to receive but i doubt she would eat another girl out. Just like her mate megan
  3. all this time i thought anna was kissing lola but it was actually her mate
  4. are we watching the same show? Hanna is the one clearly initiating it lol. She tried to kiss gina so many times before that
  5. before that she kept rejecting hanna when hanna was trying to kiss her
  6. gina looks so uncomfortable What a freak hanna is. Yeah i want to see lesbian action but if the girl doesnt want to do it then its not cool
  7. hanna trying to covince gina to kiss her bit nor working so far
  8. so that would explain why nelly cant leave either so that means she knows elian has covid yet she still went out today for awhile
  9. ever since that beard guy came the party has cooled down
  10. in england if you come into contact with someone with covid you have to self isolate even if you dont have it. Is it the same in spain?
  11. i really need to get premium so i can see who sad faces me for no reason. They either dont know or dont care because they too are not distancing from elian and tesla. Nana was in close with them alot today.
  12. looks like tesla caught it too and they are acting normal around the rest so i wont be surprised if the rest catch it. Very irresponsible behaviour from them
  13. ffs i thought something was about to happen beween anna and timur for but no
  14. i thought about them having covid earlier and that being the reason elian cant leave yet but they are not isolating from the rest and they are acting normal around them so i dont know
  15. very strange how elian and tesla are not doing any shows with each other anymore . Also going to bed very early and not going out anymore but thats all those all nighters and only getting a couple of hours of sleep catching up with them
  16. even at the b4 gathering they only hung out with b5, bogdan and monica . The other day when b4 and pam came to b2 they just stayed in their rooms. They like gina though
  17. b5 are the only ones that look like they are getting ready so far for the "party"
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