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james deen

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Everything posted by james deen

  1. unfortunately no. I dont no what to believe when it comes to miru just too much speculation and no answers
  2. holy shit i just assumed it was his brother but i did find it odd that miru and that guy looked very cozy on the sofa
  3. whatever problems bogdan had at the beginning are now over. The same day nelly got drunk he had a convo with martina in the kitchen before they started talking he waited for the kitchen to clear and he smelt her to see if he could smell nelly on her and they were laughing and joking together. Bogdan has no problem leaving nelly and martina alone in the villa and no problem letting them go on vacation together.
  4. after a couple of months of observing i can safely say people are blowing this whole nelly/bogdan/martina situation way out of proportion. Bogdan has never showed with any actions he has a problem with the relationship between nelly and martina. The only actions i have seen from him is encouragement for them to be together for example that night when nelly got severely drunk and he had to carry her to the bedroom and martina followed them she gave nelly a kiss and he was all smiles i think he even asked her if she wants to stay with her. Bogdan and martina are good friends.
  5. MR J in the house. Another guest im attached too but not in sexual way
  6. At least they are doing something and not just going out every night
  7. bruno is rarely home hes probably cheating. The guests rarely show up anymore and when they do its not for long or only to sleep. Ever since gina and bruno came back from their vacation its not been the same
  8. i was just about to say they look very cozy but nothing will happen because the bf is there
  9. L and M started one of their shows then they stopped. Now as soon as viv and nana are finished they resume
  10. the girls have no problem being naked infront of thousands of strangers but bogdan is where they draw the line? They need to get a grip and learn from tesla and elian
  11. bogdan is no better. Yeah he was good today but most of the time he hides in the garage and ive seen him do what nelly is doing today a few times before
  12. they had a gathering the other week with all the b tenants. It was the day when t and e went to b5
  13. yesterday for the first time we saw one of them (elian) go out alone now today for the first time they dont come back together.
  14. everyone on the sofa looks so bored... monica was even sleeping before radi woke her up
  15. so hedi is mashas bf but also had a previous relationship with tanya and has a child with her?
  16. i love vivian and nanas developing friendship i dont know why but i think its just cute. I notice vivian is relying on pam less and less
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