I understand what you are saying Nich but humour is a subjective subject and also can be regional, for instance the British find it difficult sometimes to understand American humour, and even within our own country there are regional differences of appreciation.
I would respectfully share with you this paragraph from the explanation of British humour by Wikipedia which can be looked up online.
British humour carries a strong element of satire aimed at the absurdity of everyday life. Common themes include sarcasm, insults, self-deprecation, taboo subjects, puns, innuendo, wit, and the British class system.[1] These are often accompanied by a deadpan delivery which is present throughout the British sense of humour.[2] It may be used to bury emotions in a way that seems unkind in the eyes of other cultures.[3] Jokes are told about everything and almost no subject is off-limits, though a lack of subtlety when discussing controversial issues is sometimes considered insensitive.[4] Many British comedy series have become internationally popular, serving as a representation of British culture to international audiences.
So mate you may appreciate that we sometimes laugh at the absurdity of how some people can try and be more offended than the next person over a difference in humour interpretation.
Is it something I said KNOW WHAT I MEAN