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Everything posted by yadevol

  1. She's wearing the clothes she went out in at 17.00. I think you might be right about the failed date.
  2. Who is the blonde woman in the little black dress wearing a mask?
  3. I can't work out why Elmira would want to come back. She does not go out in the evenings or join with the others much. May be she likes museums. And occasionally wanking.
  4. Esmi was lovely but I also miss Zaba. At least the Zaba of her last two weeks. I like it when they speak English and you can understand more of what is going on.
  5. Question. Does any one know how they find new participants? Do they advertise or is it simply friends of friends?
  6. I heard that. My suggestion was more of a joke. Though they could replace Holly and Thor in the arguing department.
  7. I agree and I also miss Marlene. The new zaba is better than the old but she doesn't seem to enjoy the sex wholeheartedly which isn't surprising since Fritz spends the next half hour telling her what she did wrong. BTW why are we calling him Fritz? He speaks English with a Spanish accent. He seems like a Santiago to me.
  8. Sounds like Zaba and Elmira are having a ding dong.
  9. Hence the friendship with Elettra. We are lucky she speaks to red in English. Spanish and Italian are fairly mutually comprehensible.
  10. The nearest we get is bacon but salo is mostly fat and bacon is mostly meat.
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