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Everything posted by yadevol

  1. true but the knickers have stayed on
  2. Ah you're talking about effete Rugby aka American Football.
  3. Do you think Azura was the friend Wendy mentioned to the punter.
  4. This seems new. Up to the latest batch of participants although there was a lot of speculation about escorting/sugar daddy relationships no one actually arranged business on the phone in the apartments. Now it has happened twice.
  5. According to the internet it seems typical but a bit high end. 250 Euro per girl per hour
  6. Ari came home naked (under her coat).
  7. Ari going out sans knickers.
  8. She just had a phone call. Didn't really hear it but it was in English.
  9. I look forward to seeing if she gets the bag. BTW I checked escort prices on the internet. 3000 dollars is high for 24 hours of an escort's time, even if you include special services.
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