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Everything posted by yadevol

  1. Winnlove noticed that E and T left their stuff behind. May be they have gone to buy supplies
  2. She has been putting a pad on for the last 2 days
  3. I agree about this, and about her smile, and about how the boob job was a mistake.
  4. Cam 2.4 is the opposite of a circus, in that a circus is display of cunning stunts!
  5. I agree with all of this. Hope they are allowed to bring some their fun home.
  6. What do we expect. These are you women on holiday in the finest party city in Europe. The best we can hope for is that they bring their conquests home with them, but this depends on the people they meet agreeing (and allegedly Nelly).
  7. Finn is the guy that Ellian gave a BJ to in the shower. Finn is also a good Irish name (so is Micheal for that matter).
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