Okay, that was not the case here. She screamed and said something that sounded like "nyet" (or however you spell the russion "no") multiple times while he held her arms in a police grip like fashion.
There were reasons to worry and you did not have to look for them.
But it seems to be just what they are into so all good.
Yeah, that's why I asked and did not state. You can't really tell if something is a consentual kink or a real big problem unless you know the full context. Laughing sadly does not mean it was not rape. As does crying not prove it was rape...
Still trying to figure out if you think it was all in fun or if you are just casual about and okay with rape....
Erm.. Could somebody tell me if this right now is roleplay and she is into it too? Because it sounds like he's raping her. Do people have an eye on that kind of thing in those apartements?
I left after she went away. Just came back but without her it's just not as good.
Distant second would be Clara. Way less hot but she had a presence. But she seems still to be busy trying to launch her own site.
It's a shame so many moments are lost all the time... If there was more of Leonie still there I'd consider getting a credit card to buy access to the archive.