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Posts posted by hollywoodmogul21

  1. Basically, Foamy is right.

    But, I will mention this and maybe it will help.  On the old (and unliked board) RLCF board, a member by the name of BabOlli suggested that everyone post times when each of the couples have sex.  I expect that with all the time data, they will be able to pinpoint some regular times as to when the best time to catch the couples having sex.

    Personally, I don't think it will work, because we're dealing with young couples and young couples can be unpredictable...even when in a steady relationship.  Not to mention that most of the members know when to be on...Ruslan proves my point (inconsistent), but Alina and Anton disprove it (pretty regular).

    But, I do happen to catch most of the sex because I have learned their basic routine without the use of specific time [not general time(s)].

    So, try this template to catch them having sex:  I use it everyday.  Also, I have adjusted it to your Pacific Time Zone...so no need to change the times listed.

    Leora & Paul: 3 AM - 3 PM

    Alina & Anton: 3 AM - Noon (if Anton moves to the floor to sleep, then you will not see any sex that night).

    Maya & Stepan: 3 AM - Noon

    Isabel & Marcelo: 8 AM - Noon (but, things are changing)

    Adriana & Daniel: Still learning

    Katya & Ruslan: 6 or 7 AM - 3 PM  (if it happens at all, but we have been lucky, recently)

    Sofia & Roman: 6 or 7 AM - 3 PM (if it happens, and there is still a chance with another woman)

    Diana & Efim: 11 AM - 3 or 4 PM (unless there is a party, then until the party ends)

    These aren't set in stone or exact, and may need a little adjusting as things may change with the couples.  But, this has been a fair guide and has helped in scheduling my work hours so I can chance being here when something happens.  So far, it has worked well and I haven't missed any sex in two weeks.  But, I have also been on vacation for 1 1/2 weeks - LOL.

  2. I think that the person with the username "NIJ" is working for RLC, if everyone goes back and look at past threads, every time these couples hide themselves or have something in front of the camera to block our view, I've noticed that when anyone of us bitch about it like I did when leora had that plant in front of the camera, this fucking NIJ dude keep saying that we shouldn't say shit about it because they can do whatever they want I don't think so we are paying for their rent and If we are paying for a website to see people interact and do regular things all of us do that don't have cameras in our homes why the fuck should I pay to only hear them or look at a fucking plant in front of leora,I think "NIJ' is an undercover agent for RLC.

    Nij does NOT work for RLC (at least as far as I know... but wait...listen...(crickets)...hmmm, what if he does?)  But, seriously...so what, he bitches about shit you guys like...I know...I used to hate him too...but, he does make sense about most (if not all) of his bitching...and in the end it just comes down to your opinion vs. his.

    I'm not really here to defend him, but Nij has been around this board for some time.  For him to be a spy or anything else other than someone who calls you out on your bitching is sad...very sad.  Surely, you can find a better way of discrediting him besides accusing him of being a spy because he has discredited your "assumptions" about almost everything many of you suggest without any fucking proof.  Show me one post where Nij doesn't have a valid argument about many of your assumptions...now, I will not argue or defend him on his opinions of RLC vs. your opinions of RLC. 

    But, if you are calling him out as a spy, then provide "real" proof.  Show me an email, or show me something that is very consistent of changes on this board because of Nij's comments to any members that leads us all to believe he is a spy.  Otherwise, give him the apology he deserves (for being accused without any proof), and he and you and other can continue to give your opinions...as you all please...and without anyone you being "accused" as a spy.

    We are all here for different reasons, but we all have the same interest in common and that is RLC.  Of course, I could go a step farther and say we all came here for sex in the beginning (that is what drew us to RLC and this board)...and that shit is probably 100% true.  After watching for so long, we start to have other reasons for staying and for any continuing interests.

    On the other hand, we will not all agree on everything about these couples, and we will have different opinions...but within the same interest = RLC.

    Now, why does it have to be an argument if I think it's disgusting when someone pisses in a sink and others don't think it's that bad?  My opinion vs. theirs.  So, Nij doesn't agree with many things that some of you have been an advocate for...and that makes him a spy?  He thinks it's disgusting that Adriana's friend came out of the bathroom without washing her hands...and I almost agree with that (different discussion for a different time).  But, I don't like people pissing in my sink, and some of you according to another post do...am I a spy too?  Maybe the people who disagreed with me are spies?  Dirty, fucking, filthy spies?  Again, no proof.  That's all just a difference in "tastes".  Just because I like Peanut Butter and Jelly and you like Peanut Butter and Mayonnaise doesn't mean we both do not like sandwiches.  We just like different sandwiches.

    Let me make this easier...Maya is the hottest chick on RLC!  Now, anyone who thinks different is a blind dumbass who doesn't know how to properly judge a good girl from a bad girl.  In other words, you should think that Maya is the best girl on RLC too.  If you don't then you are a fucking loser.  Right?  Now, does that make it fact?  No, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?  Does it make me a spy?  No proof either way, right?  Does it make me not like you because you still miss Alma? Why should it matter?  I like who I like, you like who you like, and Nij likes who he likes and all of us like certain aspects of what we see and don't see and expect from RLC.  That's it, It doesn't get any harder than that. Different tastes = simple.  The hard part is accepting that we all have different tastes and somehow we expect everyone's tastes should be the same as ours...sounds like dictatorship attitude to me.

    But, please, don't accuse anyone of being a spy without any proof.  But, if you have proof, then I will join you in lynching that person.

    In the end, we all have our opinions and that is what is cool for us as individuals.  What's better than that is that we all have an outlet to discuss with others who have a common interest (in RLC) and this board to discuss and debate the many things that happen with RLC.  And, this is good to have that extra freedom of speech that any of our governments doesn't control.  But, if you're one of those trolls that have nothing to do other than bitch, complain, and sabotage, then (and I think I can speak for all who actually give a shit), FUCK YOU - GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.  You have nothing to offer to this community.  As you can see, we have our own problems without you.

    To the rest of you, who have an interest in RLC because you are a voyeur like me and like to watch live sex, but may enjoy and imagine with the use of audio when the image isn't available, and will take watching a recorded video because you pay a monthly membership and missed out, but will take the video to compensate and you get frustrated when you don't see the sex and miss it or you like all the girls or some of the girls or a couple of the girls and dislike the rest, but you still come here to discuss it and give your opinion about it, then keep doing what you do...especially if you are a paying member of RLC.  Because that membership is not cheap.  But, then there are some of you who are not paying members, but have your reasons for not paying (different reasons or the same from each other - doesn't really matter, except when you guys try to convince us paying members that we are wrong for paying), but are basically here for the same reasons, then keep doing what you do.  You have higher expectation of RLC, and that's a good thing.  When you post your opinions on that, surly it gives others thoughts as to why they are paying so much for the services they are receiving from RLC. 

    But, in the end, RLC is what connects all of us...and this board has been the venue...for a many years (way before I became a member or even discovered it).

    Overall, there are people here for the right reasons and there are people here for the wrong reasons, and there are people who are still trying to figure out why they are here...and RLC is here too, monitoring this board.  I think we can all agree with that.

    Someone suggested to me on another post to read all the other posts before posting. Makes sense, but if I don't have the time and want to express my opinion (like many others) then I sometimes just post.  In a perfect CC World, if I didn't have to take so much time to read meaningless posts, flames, and have to translate (no offense to non-English posters - if I had the time to translate all posts and read them all I would), then a quick scroll and read through after I get off work might make some sense.  And, I have disagreed with some of your posts without reading all of the others. I am very guilty of that...but I have never accused or criticized or directly insulted anyone for their personal opinions.  And, believe me when I say this, "I really would like to." But, to what end?  I may not like or agree with you and your stupid opinion, but you and I have a shared interest in RLC...and therefore I can appreciate that and even respect some of you for giving some daring opinions (not the same as assumptions - fuck assumptions - as far as I am concerned, assumptions lead to stupidity - you ever want to discuss hypotheticals, fine, let us all know and we can discuss the "what if's..."). 

    In conclusion, none of us should be accusing anyone of anything without any proof.  All CC members already have an antagonist in RLC, which (ironically) we all have a likeness or love for...

    I've read many posts on this board and I think most of you guys and even gals are pretty smart (in general)...so, I hope you all will continue to be smart...be passionate...be curious...and stop with the insults, accusations, and shit that has no place here on topic.

    Anyway, that's just my "opinion".

  3. Learn just by reading old topics before jumping to conclusions. You'll save ink and smiles ...  :)

    We must get used to it, they are an ordinary couple ... "RealLife" What does that mean ? If you want to look fucking all day long you'll have to connect to pornsites.

    Thank you for the advice.

    I do connect to pornsites from time to time.  I have a few favorties like AbbyWinters, Ifeelmyself, and good old xhamster.  But, nothing quite compares to watching live on RLC.  As for those live sex shows, where the girl performs for the camera, it doesn't interest me much.

    In the future, I will try to read all the posts before posting.  But, no promises. 8-)

  4. I got it too, but that was two days ago.  It took me three attempts to finally get the page to display.

    Change your settings not to accept cookies.

    RLC will run without a cookie.

    Ooo, thanks!

  5. Damn, I missed that.

    Let me get this straight:

    Katya was sick and vomitted in the toilet.

    The two guys staying over needed to piss, so they pissed in the sink?  Because Katya threw up in the toilet?

    Ummm, why didn't they just flush the toilet??? Or why didn't they have their gracious host, Ruslan, clean the shit up so they could piss?

    Pissing in the sink is disgusting, people.  For fuck sake, would you still brush your teeth in your sink if I came over and pissed in it?

  6. The bedroom is next to the living room. I bet the guests heard the sex noises of Diana and Efim  :)

    I thought about that and hoped that they would hear...if not to just get that long-haired idiot off his gadget and turn his attention to his girlfriend.  I remember that night, they put on a great show.  He fucked her 4 ways to daylight.  Tonight = NOTHING!

    But, I kept one cam up in the living room and raised the volume to max...unfortunately, I could not hear anything to clue me in that Diana & Efim were fucking in the next room.  So, I seriously doubt long-hair boy or his little hottie heard them.  And, yes, Diana is too quiet.  Sometimes she can get a tad bit noisy, but it's not consistent.

  7. Who really knows? 

    My assumption: She's probably never had an orgasm in her life and just has sex with him to please him from time to time...probably because that's what she was taught and that's all she knows.  But, since she has found that she has some control in the relationship and can deny him without a fierce fight, then why not?

    Let's face it: Sofia's actions show that she does NOT like to fuck.  But, she doesn't seem in as much pain as Katya whenever Ruslan is piledriving into her.  Hell, I have never seen Sofia give Roman a blow job (maybe she has and I missed it, but I doubt it).  And, that's too bad too, but it is all Roman's fault.  He can massage her all he wants, but his technique is too rough and there isn't anything sensual about it.  I saw him pinch her skin between his hands and she about came off that couch.  And, he does nothing to really get her in the mood.  Flowers, candy, whatever...if he knew how to work his fingers, tongue, and dick as well as he presses the keys on his laptop, then none of this would be in discussion other than complimenting him and her for giving us some hot and intimate moments to watch.

    But, in reality, sex is a chore with these two.  That's why I say RLC should just replace them.  They are boring to watch.  Yes, they are BORING to watch...don't argue.  I've watched them long enough to know their routine.  They come home, Sofia makes dinner, they eat, they go to the couch (and still nibble on munchies) and get on their gadgets (i.e. laptops, phone, whathaveyou), while watching something we cannot see on their TV, and they either make a bed on the couch or move to the bedroom, where Sofia hooks up a laptop and watches TV until they fall asleep.  Oh, and the puppy in intertwined in the middle of all that and usually ends with it stomping over their heads in bed.  And, yes, they play with the puppy too.  That is basically their week.  Other than that, there are those days when Sofia (not Roman) cleans the apartment.

    If they have sex, that is the unpredictable suprise.  But, Sofia's moans can rake on my nerves; they sound fake to me.  The only other best thing you can see from this couple is when Sofia is taking a bath or when Roman is masturbating (if you're into that).  He's only had another woman over one time, so that was a BIG unpredictable suprise.  But, there aren't enough suprises to justify the time it takes to watch for them to happen.  Maybe for others, but not for me.  What else can I say?

    Don't get me wrong, I like Sofia.  If I was dating her, I would plow that shit until next Tuesday.  But, they aren't as entertaining.  And, I'm all for the other things RLC has to offer like witnessing cultural differences between my American ass and Rusians and what things are like over there as opposed to the United States and whathaveyou, but as far as their failings???  I can just turn on my TV and watch almost any reality show for that.  Although, I will admit to having an interest in watching the fights between the couples from time to time.  But, I'd just rather see them fucking...and I like to watch them when their attention is genuinely on one another...when they are being boyfriend and girlfriend...kissing, hugging, laughing, play fighting, and being real.

    Anyway, that's just my thoughts.

  8. A true exhibitonist doesn't necessarily have to perform to the cameras to be an exhibitionist.  A true exhibitionsit "loves" to be watch...no more, no less.  It's not that complicated.

    An exhibitionsit may leave the blinds or the curtains open, they may do it in public where there is a great chance that they can be seen (without getting into trouble with the law), and they may even live with cameras in their apartment so we all can see them.

    This is not to say that all the couples in RLC are true exhibitionists.  Surely, their reasons for living with cameras in their apartments may all be different...or part of a mysterious plot or conspiracy - Muwhahaha!  But, it's way too obvious to simply see that Alina & Anton, Isabel & Marcelo, (Alma & Stefan too when they were there) and Diana & Efim don't give two shits about living and fuicking in front of the cameras.  If you're looking for exhibitionists, then start looking there.

  9. if the discovery or rlc does not suit you, nothing forces you to stay ... stop and psychological analysis, I and we very well, thank you

    NO! Do not stop doing what you like to do.  RLC is not going to please us all in the same way.  We are all here for our reasons...even if it is to psychoanalyze.

    If only we could all understand this and accept this.

  10. LOL! Roman is lazy, but at least he does get up almost every day, puts on a suit and tie and goes to work.

    And, there is no justification for cheating, but there are reasons and excuses to cheat, and Roman's reason for being with another woman is obvious...that is if you have seen how many times Roman has tried to have sex with Sofia and she has turned him down...and from the tone and volume of her voice, it sounded pretty fucking rude...especially after he gave her a massage with an injured thumb.

    He either needs to get back to romancing her by doing whatever it was he did to get her in the first place or just dump her frigid ass and get a new girl.

    Personally, I would be happier if RLC would give them their notice and replace them with another couple more like Diana & Efim.

    No, no, no!!

    RLC NEEDS to keep this couple!

    Real Life isn't all roses and great sex.  Real Life is also about human failings.  That is the good thing about RLC, it gives you both.

    What are these human failings you speak of...?

  11. LOL! Roman is lazy, but at least he does get up almost every day, puts on a suit and tie and goes to work.

    And, there is no justification for cheating, but there are reasons and excuses to cheat, and Roman's reason for being with another woman is obvious...that is if you have seen how many times Roman has tried to have sex with Sofia and she has turned him down...and from the tone and volume of her voice, it sounded pretty fucking rude...especially after he gave her a massage with an injured thumb.

    He either needs to get back to romancing her by doing whatever it was he did to get her in the first place or just dump her frigid ass and get a new girl.

    Personally, I would be happier if RLC would give them their notice and replace them with another couple more like Diana & Efim.

  12. I'm not sure I buy the whole studio theory.  Just imagine the costs.  As far as time zones are concerned, it probably has to do with logistics...

    As it appears today (and this is just my assumption), RLC may find it a lot more cost effective to have all the couples in one or two time zones.  So, it will not surprise me whenever the next new couple appears on RLC in the +4 or +8 time zone.  Most likely, we will see them in the +4 time zone, which will lead me to believe that RLC in moving to have all couples in one area/region.  Having couples in multiple time zones may be convenient for members to catch desirable live action, but may not justify the costs for RLC.  As small as RLC is right now and without any other competing site(s) like RLC, it would make more financial sense to operate and manage in one location and still generate equal or more profit.

    No proof of this.  Just my observation and thoughts.

  13. I can't understand all you smart people wasting so much energy for RL monastery and waist your money  , what is so special about RLM , cane any one give me one good reason that I pay and watch RLM , in my opinion they all paid lazy bum slaves, I don't see any one working except  Maya and stepan  if they working the rest sits at home doing nothing and you all pay to watch them something is Wrong in this forum, by the way I Canceled my membership from RLM I am paying donation to red cross , that is better then paying to RLM ' I wish you all smart People donate any good organization then to RLM         

    I could tell you why I enjoy RLM and waste my money, but I don't think you would understand.  But, let me try: I'm a voyeur, Nick.  I like to watch certain people involved in intimate and private moments. I actually get off on that shit.  If it was "only" about viewing sex, then there are plenty of websites that offer free porn.  But, this is different...and just fitting for someone like me.  You probably still don't understand...

    Nick, think of something that turns you on...makes you want to whip your dick out and jerk off...think about it...what is it (rhetorical)?  Now, think about how that turns you on.  If you actually did this, then you know how I feel when I am watching RLC.  That's the best way I can explain it to you.

    In the end, it comes down to different strokes for different folks (possible pun on the strokes).

    Hope that helps.

    Thanks hollywoodmogul21 now I understand you are very intelligent person , that you pay and watch  people involved in intimate and private moments which it is eating sleeping playing games on computer if makes you want to whip your dick out and jerk off for that, I think I need to see head Dr I am sorry to say that but that's what I think , I am going to ask my Head Dr. to help me how to jerk of watching people doing nothing 

    you Know I never been in any Forum before, this is my first one I don't know how I end up hear , but I learned so much about people they so protective of RL monastery they fell like End of the world  how sad are they  all so lonely they have no one to talked to or they live in North pole   

    Nick, I doubt you need a Head Dr. because you may not understand something that other people do.  If that was the case, then we would all need Head Dr.'s.

    I will admit that it gets frustrating waiting for something good to happen, but when it happens that becomes the pay off.  It's happening (to my knowledge) live and that's a thrill.  Another plus is that there are many other people around the world that may share or have similar interest in this...and it's nice to share something in common with others.  It's not too different than sharing the same tastes in music or movies with a real life friend.

    And, since January of this year, I can now see how many of us become emotionally invested in some of these couples.  I think some of us take on a personal ownership (just as some do with movies - for example, some people cannot stand the fact that Ben Affleck will be the next Batman, but at the same time they don't own the Batman franchise) and will react in ways when a couple breaks up or is taken off RLC or for whatever reason.  Trying to find any other meaning deeper than this should best be left to Head Dr.'s, psychologists, and maybe even some sociologists (not really my field of study nor my concerns or interests at this time).

    But, if I were you, I wouldn't try to work too hard to understand everyone's purpose for being here (i.e. loneliness, perversion, etc.) other than having a similar interest in watching other people.

    As to why you are here and even care about what any of us do or how we spend our time and money is something you may want to give thought to...why are you here?  If you're not into voyeurism (and timing and chance are complements to voyeurism), then you may want to search elsewhere for whatever floats your boat.  No one is keeping you here. 

  14. I can't understand all you smart people wasting so much energy for RL monastery and waist your money  , what is so special about RLM , cane any one give me one good reason that I pay and watch RLM , in my opinion they all paid lazy bum slaves, I don't see any one working except  Maya and stepan  if they working the rest sits at home doing nothing and you all pay to watch them something is Wrong in this forum, by the way I Canceled my membership from RLM I am paying donation to red cross , that is better then paying to RLM ' I wish you all smart People donate any good organization then to RLM         

    I could tell you why I enjoy RLM and waste my money, but I don't think you would understand.  But, let me try: I'm a voyeur, Nick.  I like to watch certain people involved in intimate and private moments. I actually get off on that shit.  If it was "only" about viewing sex, then there are plenty of websites that offer free porn.  But, this is different...and just fitting for someone like me.  You probably still don't understand...

    Nick, think of something that turns you on...makes you want to whip your dick out and jerk off...think about it...what is it (rhetorical)?  Now, think about how that turns you on.  If you actually did this, then you know how I feel when I am watching RLC.  That's the best way I can explain it to you.

    In the end, it comes down to different strokes for different folks (possible pun on the strokes).

    Hope that helps.

  15. It's a fact, although I can't divulge how or why I know this, but chillifingers smokes a lot of crack and likes to masturbate with crunchy peanut butter while he reads the responses to his post.

    Hmmm, guess it works for any of us too...guess that makes it true now, right?

    Anyhow, what I do find interesting in chillifingers original post is that he/she/it thinks that we should know this information.  I'm still trying to figure out what we really need to know...that all of the participants on RLC know each other and....what?  So, for arguments sake, let's say they all do know each other and have attended some secret meeting in the Ukraine.  Now what?  What's the next step for us, chillifingers?

    You want us to do some research?  You want us to discover that they know each other?  As with some previous posts, we know some of them do. 

    I also found the comment that some of the couples are not real couples pretty interesting.  Which ones are not real couples?  Katya & Ruslan and Sofia & Roman? 

    And, what is the big plan in the Ukraine?  Can you give a a few more clues? 

    Of course, I'll understand if you can't because your life could be in danger for sharing as much as you did.  But, since no one really believes you without any evidence, I think you'll be okay, and the RLC Mafia will probably go easy on you.

  16. That's all we need is another friggin' pet.  Pets are too distracting to these couples.  

    Example: Paul is messing with Leora and trying to get her in the mood, then the dumbass dog comes into play and grabs her attention. Now, Leora is paying attention to the dog and not to what Paul is trying to do to her. I've seen this happen too many times with this couple alone.  And, let's not forget that they never kick the dog out of the room while they are having sex.  That shit has almost turned into a threesome.  There was Paul's arms and legs intertwined with Leora's arms and legs...with his cock inside her pussy...and somewhere in all that were puppy licks.  I give them credit for pushing the dog away on numerous occasions, but it just kept coming back for more.

    Anyway, I really do loves dogs and cats, and they are sometimes fun to watch when the couple is boring.  But, I did not pay a membership to watch pets. I can watch that shit for free on youtube.

  17. I cannot find the post, but someone recently mentioned that they contacted regarding new couples, and was given a reply that there would be a new couple soon.  So, I will keep my fingers crossed.

    Potentially, there could be a couple to fill Nora's & Kiko's apartment, Lora's & Max's apartment, and Alma's & Stefan's apartment.

    But, somehow, I suspect that if and when there is a new couple, it will either be in Alma's & Stefan's old apartment or in a totally brand new apartment in the +4 time zone.

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