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Posts posted by hollywoodmogul21

  1. Do any of you think RLC cares or even reads CC.  There is a post not sure by who or were it is posed but maybe this is some type of experiment.  The poster brought up some real good points.  I hope he or someone will post the  link.  He could very will be right.

    I don't know if RLC reads our posts, but I believe that they check for posted videos or has someone who does that for them. But, I do hope that the email I sent them gets to the right person who makes the decisions.

  2. You all are welcome.  Just doing my part.  Like many of you, I want a better RLC site and a community that I can share this common interest with.

    Also, a member's only message board is possible (not that I do not like this one or the other one), but there are other adult sites that utilize them.  It is to RLC's and the members' benefit to create a member's only message board.

    Here are the advantages of RLC creating a members only message board.

    1. Reduces the number of incoming and outgoing emails for RLC. (i.e. Troubleshooting can be communicated through the boards)

    2. Members should be allowed to post pics and vids "only" to the RLC member's only message board.  Little work should be required by RLC (like playing a role of Admin) as members will do the work through posting.

    3. RLC can use the discussions on the boards to gain information and insight on how to improve the site...thus allowing RLC to meet members' demands more quickly (i.e. Request for more couples, English speaking couples, etc.)

    4. As RLC's content is shared freely through the members only message board, members will not have a need to share it outside with non-members or if shared outside the members only board, then immediate ban still takes place. Overall, this will reduce the sharing of RLC's intellectual property. (Let's face it, we know this could work.  Just look at how many people are sharing videos now.  It's not a complete solution, but it will have impact.)

    5. Members will get to see what they have missed, thus reducing membership cancellations.

    6. Members will not be disturbed or hassled by non-members for content or passwords.

    7. A members only message board will begin to benefit both RLC and members immediately.

    This is a win-win for RLC and paying members.

    Sadly, it will most likely hurt existing fan boards.

    But, RLC will most likely see a spike in their revenue and members should see their demands being met in a timely manner after requests have been made.

    By the way, I have already sent this request to RLC last night after having those crazy issues and missing Sofia & Roman and Diana & Efim.  I shouldn't have to have those issues when I am a "premium" member now.  (And, I know that being a premium member doesn't do anything more than give me access to more options.  If RLC gets screwed up, then it will naturally affect anyone or everyone).

    If there is only one other request that I have, it would be for RLC to forgive any banned, past paying members' actions in sharing their content and possibly allow them another opportunity to become members now that a members only board will be in place.  Again, more revenue for RLC and less ex-members trying to find new ways to hack into the site and illegal share RLC content.

    Anyway, just my thoughts on the last request.

  3. Here my initial thoughts on the Premium Membership:

    First of all (for the people who do not know), here is what the new tool options do:

    The new tools allow Standard and Premium Members to access...

    1. keyboard shortcuts - a window pops up and shows a list of keyboard shortcuts.

    2. single mode - the view that everyone normally sees...even non-members.

    3. single wide mode - larger screen with easy access to change apartment and rooms on top.

    The other new tools only allow for Premium Members to access...

    4. 2-view mode, one above the other - just like single mode except two screens with one on top of another.

    5. 2-view mode, side by side - easy access to to change apartment and room on top.

    6. 4-view mode, Multi-Viewer (up to 4) - just like 2-view mode with easy access to change rooms on top.

    7. Motion Detection - green dots appear beside apartment and room to let members know when there is any movement.

    After having about a day to play around with it (the site, not my dick - not yet anyway), here's my opinion:

    1. For those who like using keyboard shortcuts, RLC was thinking about you.

    2. Keeping familiarity is always good when making changes.

    3. If screen size matters, you're still better off in full screen mode.

    For those who like using multiple screens:

    4. It makes it easier to view two apartments simultaneously or watch one couple if they are in separate rooms.  Personally, I found this to be beneficial in D&E's living room where I can now watch from both angles from both cams. Also, if a couple moves from one room to the next, then I don't have to wait for the next room to load on screen as I did with single cam viewing nor do I need to have two or more browser tabs pulled up (which slowed the video images). Overall, it appears that any lag time has been reduced, but not eliminated.  In the past, I have experienced lag with single cam viewing while only having one browser open. The benefit with having the cams one on top of the other is that the buttons to change apartments or rooms are on either side of the screen, making it for easier access to all of the apartments.  Most importantly, navigation is very easy once you get the hang of how it functions.

    5. Just like option 4 without easy access to all the other apartments/rooms.

    6. Just like option 5, except you have four screens to view up to four apartments/rooms.  Personally, I found this beneficial while viewing one couple with three rooms and keeping an eye on another couple with the fourth cam.  I think it will really be useful the next time there is a party.

    Motion Detection:

    7. It's a very nice tool, but here is what I have experienced.  Some are very sensitive and some are not.  For example, in Leora's and Paul's apartment the motion detector in their apartment didn't seem to come on at all when they were in there.  In contrast, the motion sensors were so sensitive that they seemed to pick up the movement or the blowing curtains in Diana's & Efim's bedroom and kitchen.  Similarly, the motion sensors picked up the movement of the rotating fan in Katya's and Ruslan's bedroom.  And, pets have set off sensors in Alina's & Anton's, Maya's & Stepan's, and Isabel's & Marcelo's as well.  Personally, I found this useful as opposed to clicking on every room trying to find someone, but it can be misleading when the movement comes from an object or pet.

    So, the real question comes, "Is it worth getting the premium membership?"  My answer is, "Only if you can afford it."  At this point, it's just an option, not a must.

    If all of the couples were more sexually active like Diana and Efim, then, for me, it would be well worth it.  With the present couples in place, all you really seem to be getting is the same old stuff, but with awesome tools...kind of like having a really nice sports car without any road to drive.

    Anyway, I hope this helps.

    Personally, it would benefit me more if RLC would get more couples (very soon) more like Diana & Efim and create a message board for paying members where we could be allowed to post pics and videos.  When I miss something, I feel kind of cheated after having to pay so much for a membership.

  4. Cheating is a big no-no in the USA (most of the time), but it’s no biggie in Russia. In 1998, a study showed that Russian men and women were the most willing to engage in and approve of extramarital affairs. Additionally, women in relationships seem to “expect” to be cheated on. This may explain the whole Roman is cheating on Sofia debate. I have been on this forum doing a lot of reading of comments for a while, and I try to stay reserved with my comments and only put in my thoughts when I think someone else has not covered my thoughts or opinions.  I also learned that you people here like to see your sources, so I am citing mine! This article helped me shed some light on other couples as well, it was a good read.


    Thank you very much for posting. That article was very enlightening.

    Also, I love your username.  8)

  5. Too bad there is no video.  :-\

    Thank you for posting.  I have a friend I can contact and maybe he can use whatever program he uses to find any alterations or mutilations in the photo.  But, I have faith that it is real.  Angela was one participant that was more in tuned and "aware"  to the cameras than any of the other couples since I became an official member in late April/early May.

  6. I agree we really do not know what they do or don't know about this site or what the cams do.  But we do know that Angela found this site and posted here after a very short time in the apartment so something tells me if she can do it others can as well. 

    I have also observed her talking on the phone and looking at the camera and she appeared to be smiling and blushing.  Maybe talking to one of the RLC people??? 

    Anyway most of these people seem somewhat tech savvy so I would guess they know what happens with the cams and who can see them.  Even if RLC is blocked in Russia they can still see sites about them as well as videos on many sites that can't all b blocked.  This site apparently wasn't.

    We do know she had to stop posting and remove her account.

    With regards to Angela, she is one of the few who played to the camera, breaking the 4th wall (for those who don't know what the 4th wall is, think of watching a movie and the characters in the movie turning to the camera and addressing the audience in someway through expressions, gestures, or words).  And, I thought she was interesting to watch, because I never knew what kind of shit she was going to get into next.  I miss that girl.  But, I wouldn't "assume" that because she was smiling and looking into the camera that she was talking to any of the RLC people.  No proof in that.  Although, I find the idea kind of nice to think about...that any of us could actually have some type of relationship/friendship with them.  Who knows? Maybe RLC would work better if there was some type of interaction between us and them.  Anyhow, I wish someone could find the pic of Angela's laptop showing the CC Boards.  I'll definitely look around for it myself.  And, it's not that I don't believe anyone who has seen it before, I actually have some faith that this is true because so many others have mentioned this before on here and on another fan board.

    Now, as far as any of the couples being tech savvy, I wouldn't give any of them that much credit.  Their generation was born into a world of technology where many of the things they do are more or less basic knowledge.  Someone in their 70's, who thought that computers were just going to be a fad, would think anyone who could start a computer is tech savvy.  The people I consider tech savvy in the venue of RLC would be the people working at RLC (I base it on their success of creating the site and adding difficult watermarks that are giving people pause in posting videos these days) and the ones who have time and again found creative ways to record, show multiple cams simultaneously, and are knowledgeable in understanding how all this shit works.  You know those guys when you read their posts and replies.  They teach us these things.  But, being able to navigate your way around the internet is not considered tech savvy in my opinion, and I haven't seen any of the couples on RLC exhibit any knowledge higher than playing media, writing papers, and other common activities of entertainment. Of course, this is not to say that none of them are tech savvy.  A lot of the times, the screens of their laptops, tablets, and phones are turned away or too bright to read at times.  And, please, no one say that Ruslan is tech savvy.  I watched that dude trying to crunch numbers on paper one night and he was obviously struggling with the math...becoming tired and frustrated.  Someone should have told him that he has a calculator on his laptop.

    So, once again, I will say that it is "possible" that they know that the cameras are for a website, and I will agree that it is "possible" for them to find out about the fan message boards, but this is not any proof to justify an assumption that they in fact do know and/or communicate with any of the members. How do we really know that she had to stop posting and remove her account? Please explain.  I'm fairly new to this board and have missed out on a lot.  Please educate me...with facts...not assumptions.

    For me, it's just a sad sight to see when assumptions start to become belief.

  7. You want proof, why not start with common sense?

    They know they are being filmed, they know it's on the internet, they have access to internet, how could they NOT find this site?

    Common sense tells me not to assume anything.  I would agree that it is "possible" that they know it's on the internet, but again there is no proof that they do (none that I have seen so far).  But, it is also "possible" that even knowing that they are being shown on the internet that they do NOT know about this site anymore than they do know.  We don't even know what type of agreement that RLC has with these couples.

    With that being said, no one knows nothing for sure, except what can be seen. That's not common sense that's just sense.

  8. There sure are a lot of assumptions about this topic as well as many other topics, yet (unless I missed something in an earlier post), there isn't any solid proof that any of the participating couples of RLC actually visit RLC or any of the fan boards.

    Or is there? Any pics showing any of the couples on their laptops or tablets with RLC open on the screen?

    And, people claiming to be one of the couples' or a friend of theirs isn't much proof either.  Anyone can make those kind of claims.

    Way too many assumptions, and in the end all it does is make for some entertaining posts.

  9. If you're trying to sign up for RLC, then just click on the little credit cards (MasterCard/VISA) at the bottom and then it will take you to the sign up page.  At the bottom, choose one of the financial institutions you wish to use (i.e. SegPay or Verotel).  Once you fill out the information and get approved, then you should be able to log in to RLC.

    If your issue is just with Verotel or you need to cancel your membership with RLC, then visit the Verotel website https://www.vtsup.com .

    Hope that helps.

  10. I can hardly blame them for leaving.  Someone has crossed the line (and I cannot blame them either).  The internet is fair game.  There isn't any policing or protection except by the sites themselves, and half the time that's not even good enough.  Ironically, too many of us want the freedom the internet offers without any rules, but when we are negatively affected, then they want protection for ourselves.  Unfortunately, we can't have it both ways.

    In D&E's case, hopefully they were informed (by RLC) of the consequences of participating in RLC.  If not, then I would hope they at least have self knowledge and/or an understanding of what can happen.  It's the same with any of us who have a facebook, instagram, myspace, twitter, email etc. account/profile.  No matter what policies are in place, there is no guarentee that any information you upload and share with others will be completely protected.

    But, more importantly, I would hope that all of the couples on RLC would take a lesson from the Hollywood celebrities and learn how to best protect themselves from outsiders (i.e. stalkers and any other unwanted fans).  RLC should also work harder in protecting these couples as well.

    I think RLC is doing everything they can to protect these couples' identities.  Simultaneously, they are in uncharted waters and didn't expect things to turn out as they have.  The watermark is just one example, as well as their attempts in ridding pics and vids from the message boards.

    I really hope that D&E comes back.  I was just about to leave RLC until they were added.  I guess we'll see what happens this month. 

  11. I've been away for a few days. Did some people completely lose their minds while I was gone? Are some people [with a straight face] actually suggesting that 911 was a conspiracy? And their proof is because they saw it on the internet? Along with Big Foot, Obama not being born in the USA, the Loch Ness monster, Joseph Smith finding golden tablets, Roswell alien landings and the Knicks hanging on to Carmelo Anthony? I also can find a site that says that Pamela Anderson's breasts are real. I'm not buying any of it. And there's lots more, but I've offended enough people for one day. I have to go now and read more about Oswald being in cahoots with LBJ.

    Personally, I don't know if 911 was a conspiracy, but there is a lot of circumstantial evidence surrounding it.  And, let's not forget that our judicial system has put people on death row for circumstantial evidence before...remember Scott Peterson?

    First of all, in all the worlds history, there has never been one skyscraper that has fallen because of being hit by an airplane, but there have been skyscrapers hit by airplanes.  There have been smaller skyscrapers that have never fallen and burned twice as long as either of the towers.  Next, it seems a bit curious how the twin towers fell.  There was sounds of explosions and they came down just like any other building that was being demolished.  If you have ever seen a demolition take place in real life, then you know what I'm saying.  Third, does anyone know of one person's name (besides the alleged terrorists) who was on either of the planes that crashed into the towers?  During the 911 anniversaries, we hear all the names read that were in the towers, but I haven't heard one person's name read that was on either of the planes.  And, let's not forget that drone technology exists.

    Now, let's look at what happened in Washington D.C. at the Pentagon: Supposedly, a plane hit the Pentagon. It's interesting that camera footage was quickly taken and only potions of any camera footage has been released to the public.  Because the footage is not complete, you cannot tell whether or not a plane even hit the Pentagon.  And, the debris on the Pentagon lawn: doesn't look like a plane hit the Pentagon.  If you look at the hole in the wall at the Pentagon, it resembles similar holes in buildings that were hit by a cruise missile.  And, where the hell was our air force to allow such easy passage into air space near our nation's capital?  Why were the nearest planes conveniently parked so far away?

    And, if the government wanted to get away with something like this, could they not? Do they not have the means to pull off something like this?  After all, who would believe it?  The government attacking its own country to put fear in the people to win support to go to war with oil producing countries just sounds outrageous. Right?  And, as long as it does, the government could have gotten away with it...easily.  And, maybe they did.  Or,  maybe it's just crazy thinking.

    But, ask yourselves this: Who was in power and was making the decisions and who had something to gain from it?

    Or, go on believing that it was a man in a cave calling the shots and was successful in his planned attack on the U.S.  It's so much easier for people to have a face for the enemy rather than an open mind to other possibilities.

    But, if your mind is really open, just watch Loose Change. You can find it in streaming on Netflix.

  12. Just imagine how these past 7 years would have turned out if John McCain had won the presidency...or Hillary Clinton for that matter.

    Think of all the events that has happened (i.e. Benghazi, IRS, North Korea, Iran, Iraq War, Afgan War, Russia entering Crimea, Libya, Egypt, The Conflict in the Middle East, The NSA & Edward Snowden, Metadata, Gas Prices, The Economy, Unemployment, Border Control, Illegal Immigration, handing over the internet to the rest of the world, and anything else you can remember that made headlines).

    Think of how things would have been handled differently and imagine where we would be today.  I'm being rhetorical, but this could lead to some interesting discussions.

    It's also fun to do this with the 2000 Presidental election too.  Think of where things would be today if Al Gore would have won instead of Bush.

  13. "We went into Libya and we got rid of that terrible Qaddafi, now it's a jihadist wonderland over there," Paul said, referring to Libya's former dictator.

    Unless MSNBC, CNN, and FOX cable news channels have misinformed us, I was under the impression that Qaddafi was killed by his own people.  The United States only involvement was not answering Qaddafi's pleas for military assistance from the U.S.

    As far as Rand Paul goes: Sadly, Rand Paul is nothing like his father.  If he plans on running for president at this time, he will lose.  Too many things of what he is saying is further dividing the Republican party as much as the Tea Party already has and continues to do.  I don't say this because I don't like Rand Paul. Just watch the news...all channels...and listen to what many of the other Republicans are saying.  The only thing the Republican party agrees on is the fact that they lack leadership.  And, a good leader will bring the party together, not further divide it.

    2015 will be an interesting year in politics...unless the Democrats slam dunk the presidential election with Hillary Clinton because Republicans are using weak and/or weary tactics like Benghazi, Hillary's health, Monica Lewinsky, Obama's faults as president, etc.  The Republicans need to either go back to using "fear" tactics like they did in the 2008 election or find something that ties together their ideas with the common person's ideas and call it American.  History has shown us that America is stronger when we share a common belief...like freedom.

  14. It does appear that RLCF is now dead (not a Friday the 13th hoax as I had hoped).

    What suprises me the most is the comments on here about RLCF.  RLCF is called the "wanna be CC"...Really?  I've been a member of RLCF since Feb. of this year and have also been a member here as well for almost the same time...and not one time and nowhere did anyone ever express, state, insinuate or imply any jealousy of this board.  Nor was this board ever condemned on RLCF.  And, the Admin never tried to dublicate this board.  Truthfully.  However, it definitely shows that some members here may have been jealous of RLCF.  For those who have hated RLCF, I'm sure you are happy that RLFC is no more.  So, celebrate.

    Granted, I agree with what Foamy T. Squirrel said.  It is true that we didn't engage in the expansive cultural discussions or in-depth reviews of other sites, and more imprtantly we did NOT have Foamy, either.  I wish we had.  I have read many of Foamy's comments on here since I joined CC and Foamy has been informational and a true advocate to all RLC fans.  Keep doing what you are doing, Foamy.  Personally, I think you are the fucking shit! You are "da man"!

    More importantly, some members of RLCF reposted a lot of captures taken from CC members. By the way, this didn't fully happen as much until RLC started their watermarks.  Most of you senior CC members were a guide to us.  Even I am guilty for posting information that I read here on CC to RLCF...but I also gave credit as to where I got the information and credited the poster.  Just a habit I have of avoiding plagerism (sp?).  I give credit where credit is due.  But, I did notice other RLCF members (more recently) posting pics of what was already posted here...and can you blame them?  CC members had the experience, the knowledge, and balls to post it.  RLCF obviously took some pics and links to videos and shared that info.  Because, you CC members must have figured it out...how to avoid getting banned.  It wasn't like we didn't know where it came from...and, we all like the concept of RLC (CC members and RLCF members alike) and are pretty much here for the same reasons.  We are voyeurs from day 1.  And, anything else we are or become or feel about these couples comes from prolonged viewing.  Does it not?  One day you were searching for some sex and found it "live", and then somehow, Alma is more than just a sex object in your mind...you care for her...in a way (if not Alma, then another of your choosing).

    For the record, not one member of RLCF (especially not Admin) has ever stated hatered for CC (but, as far as individual members, that is another story and does not reflect all CC members - some people can just be assholes - that's every board I've been a member of since the invention of message boards).  But, our differences have been noticed.  RLCF prefered that all members speak in English (since most of us are English speaking) and prefered that videos posted be in FireDrive so that all can view without any complexities.  Surely, we all can agree that it's better to view a free video with less clicks of a mouse and minimal pop-ups...right?  And, I'm not going to bust on the ones posting videos with UL.  That's their choice for whatever reason.  But, most people like is simple.  Right?

    The reason I liked RLCF was because it was personable to me.  As you may notice, I have never posted a comment on this board before today.  Too many members overwhelm me and it's a little intimidating for me to come and comment when I see so many brilliant people on here that know so much...especially technically.  I'm just a pervert who likes to watch couples have sex...and watching it live is GREAT!  When it comes to all the tech talk, I am truly out of my element.  And, what can I say or ask that would most likely not attract flaming insults - let alone in a language like Spanish, which I do not know?  That's just my fear...and it's based on reading others' questions and seeing other members slam them like they are stupid.  Therefore I prefer a smaller venue.  I'm different and that's just me.  With RLCF, it was a small group for a long time and it took months before I could really speak freely without any fear of flaming.  Me (and I think I speak for a good number of the members at RLCF) are comfortable in a smaller group of people that we got to know.  It's nothing personally against CC members...and as far as I know, we were never trying to be better than CC...we were just enjoying discussion among a smaller group.  Anyway, this was my experience as a member of RLCF.

    But now, I pray nothing happens to CC.  These message boards have been an essential complement to RLC.  If I miss something (because of my real life schedule), then hopefully, someone either writes or posts pics or a video.  I've realized that without this information that the monthly membership I am paying is almost useless.  If I miss something and someone can fill me in, I may get mad because I missed it (and thanks to all of you members who have posted a video to fill me in on what I've missed) - it happens, but if I have missed something and I don't know...and all I can see when I have time to login is the same old shit of Stefan humming, Maya and Stepan never home nowdays, and wondering if I missed Katya and Ruslan or Sofia and Roman having sex again, then I have to ask, "what am I paying RLC for?"  I know these people live active lives, but to login and see nothing for 3 or 4 days straight...tell me that it's not frustrating.

    Personally, the intimate moments of these couples are the best when I can view them live...but, if I cannot then 2nd best is recorded video.  Ironically, it was a recorded video on a well known porn site that even gave me the knowledge that RLC even existed.  I don't need to tell anyone here about the consequences of these watermarks, but it has negatively affected all of us who pay the monthly membership.  Don't get me wrong, I understand why RLC has to protect their intellectual property, but something needs to be done in order to make our paid membership worth it.

    My hopes are that RLC will expand their site and add a message board, where members can have discussions and add pages of video highlights (sex, arguments, etc.).  I can think of more requests that would make our money worth it, but this would be a good start. 

    Anyone else agree?

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