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Posts posted by dmizzle26

  1. Omg i just had a conversation with a friend a few hours about sumthing similar to this my friend found naked pictures on her bf computer of famous celebrities and she wants to break up with him over it lol....i see nothing wrong with it alot of guys like to watch porn as an alternative to being with their woman all the time mayne they just tryin to preserve their affection for their partner and not risk getting bored with em

  2. Maya may be the 3rd hottest russian chick ive seen on RLC behind Maria and Leora and by a longshot the hottest one to ever occupy that apt in my opinion

    wasn't olga or whatever in that apartment?  she was hawt!

    i dunno Olga was just too skinny for me maybe alot of guys like that but it dosnt do it for me
  3. Yeah i know Elena and Artur got alot of crap about how boring they was while Elena's body was easy to look at her face was heavy on the eyes....but what alot of people is forgetting is that RLC does not advertise as a sexsite its a true voyeur site but im sure they are aware that people subscribe to their site for the sexual part of it i really hope they do help these people find a place to go before they leave because Elena and Artur really looked like they have much as did Lina and Mark.... i think its prearranged when they is to leave because of how quicky they is replaced

  4. i find it hilarious nobody really watches this cam....Elena does have a weird face but i find myself extremely attracted to her ass i think the right dude can open her up sexually and then she'll prob be alot more fun to watch i find it hard to believe 2mins of penetration really satisfies her and its def hilarious to watch the ending Artur be looking like he really did sumthing

  5. from what i witnessed during the fight and seeing the translation Alma seems to be the type of girl with low self-esteem im guessing she has in her mind nobody else will want her if Stefan left her he is the only one for her and i believe Stefan is taking advantage of that using her for his own personal needs because he knows she isnt going anywhere so he feels he can treat her anyways he wants and that includes basically rough forceful sex at times

  6. I dunno if its just me but the barcelona females dont seem to have all their marbles....alba and anna was getting into it every other day then have make-up sex till they eventually called it quits....Gia and Ian had their issues Gia even walked around her apt with a knife during one of their fights they eventually left too... Nora and Kiko walks around looking like they gon kill themselves any minute...now Ariel and Harvey fights and cries alot and have panic attacks and today you can add Alma and her retard looking bf Stefan to the mix im calling it now by the end of the summer one of the 3 Barcelona couples will be gone

  7. for every new couple that comes on RLC theres always one person in each couple that is a lil hesistant around the cameras they will eventually get used to the cameras and open up sometimes they dont...Elena and Artur is currently that dull couple that still hasnt opened up

  8. Mighty Mouse seemed to be the only one who willingly masturbated in from of the cam and she wasnt even a tenant...theres a pic in Maria's thread that showed her masturbating once.....Alma looks to rub herself sometimes when she on the couch...one that should masturbate is Elena i find it hard to believe she get enough pleasure outta of 3minutes of sex once every 2wks

  9. yeah with the name gone it pretty much means they are gone which dosnt really bother me that much while Lina's ass was nice to look at her hygiene put me off it'll be refreshing to have a new couple withthe entertainment level of ariel and harvey and alma and stefan eventho ill love to alma replace stefan what a retard

  10. I think what freaks out some of the tenants is going online and finding videos of themselves.  I'm pretty sure that spooked Elena, Artur, Mighty Mouse and her man after their first night in their apartment.

    yeah but Mighty Mouse never failed to disappoint when it came to entertainment unlike her lil friends Elena and Artur lol by the way i wonder what happened to Mighty Mouse wonder why she dont come around nomore
  11. i was just wondering if anybody knew the ages of the RLC couples and past couples some of the couples look fairly young like still in their teens especially Lina and Mark can somebody help me out its something ive been wondering for months now lol

  12. hell if i was Lora i wouldnt put much effort into fucking Max either the dude is almost as lame as Artur the only thing that saves him is he has longer endurance lol Lora Deserves to have the best sex of her life with  body like that i wouldnt be surprised if she found he cheated and she has extra dick on the side herself

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