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Posts posted by dmizzle26

  1. Yeah pretty much all the girls bathe often with Elena and Lora being at the top of the list i think the longest ive seen Lina go without a bath is like 3days....but for Nora all the sexiness cant hide the fact that she is pretty much disgusting ive seen her go a week without a bath a couple times i can only imagine how bad her pussy smells sometimes and Kiko must be disgusting too for putting up with it

  2. Before anybody says anything im not a person that expects these people to be sitting there having sex all day long me and my gf is around eachother all day and we dont do that...i just think these guys on RLC dont pay their women enough attention as they most def deserves...it seems Mark and Stefan spend 80% of their time on the computer guess you can add Kiko to that list too...i cant remember the last time i seen Anton spend time with Alina...all these dudes need to take a lesson from Harvey he is the only one i see doin what he is suppose as a man when it comes to showing attention to your girl thats just my opinion

  3. Well, I stopped watching for a bit and when I come back, I see these two pictures.

    Somehow, I think this is just plain wrong (and I think Lina agrees with me)

    lol most def her bf is in the dark living room while her friends sleep playing video games while she is sittin in the bedroom all alone ...i dont kno if its just me but sometimes i wonder if Mark might be a closet gay his presence sometimes just says "i might be a lil gay" there just isnt much bout him thats manly
  4. I'm so glad you feel you can confirm this since you don't have a fucking clue what her O status is.... >:(

    It's also great to see such shitty comments about someone's else sex life....apparently he's suppose to try a fuck her in ear while she moan and groan....flips and flops like some fucking porn film.....Get Real.

    Artur is that you buddy??? ;D
  5. sumetimes i feel bad for elena she looks like she be wanting more i bet with the right dude a sex session with her will be fun to watch

    sumetimes i feel bad for elena she looks like she be wanting more i bet with the right dude a sex session with her will be fun to watch

    I feel sorry for Elena because I'm pretty sure she's never had an orgasm...whether by her own hand or from anyone else...in her life.

    lol that is true they both look like a couple of dorks with no sexual experience at all
  6. if the reason alot of the members is choosing not to post anymore is because of their videos and screencaps popping up on other sites i totally get why they choose not to post anymore i consider that a ripoff eventho i found about camcaps and rlc because of sumthing like that i guess i can consider myself a new member ive been browsing this forum for a couple of months and i became a member of rlc because of this forum and when i first started coming here i saw that it was a small group of people sharing their thoughts, screencaps, and videos which was great because people was quietly downloading it and appreciating it i was one of them but lately i have seen people pop up requesting alot which i havent seen before and i can see how that can put alot of the old members off me myself i watch alot of the cams i havent figured out how to record anything yet cuz i will like to contribute myself to take the slack off the people who usually post stuff but i think alot of people should be like me and others and just appreciate what is posted this is a forum a  very good forum you sould enjoy it and not abuse the privilege

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