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Everything posted by buteur

  1. Thanks so much Isidore! For sure nothing to see so great
  2. when was this event please? Which house and timeline? thx
  3. Quelles TimeLines pour les 2 événements cités ?
  4. Elle doit reprocher à ses filles leur inaction 😂
  5. Pas assez d'émoticons pour ça😂😂😂🍧⚽️🤡💋💄👩‍❤️‍👩👑
  6. Is the housewife the same person as always ? Blond about 40 y/o and looks like man
  7. Not enough Time you Know… they are busy all day long looking at their phone
  8. please to bring back: Damira, Mary, Elvira, Amina, Karol... and I will renew subscription again!!!
  9. For sure or it is better to see them sleeping... sorry I don’t share your point of view
  10. does she the only one ? (going to bathroom) other girls?
  11. there is nothing to watch at cam 2-9 time mentioned. she was still in her bedroom. She smoked something (cig ?) behind curtains at 01:48:55 cam 3-6
  12. Why do you say that, wooders78? You saw her taking it?
  13. I quickly checked replay to catch this moment but i didn't find. in which room do they take that? I don't find any strange behavior before/after event
  14. we clearly see only lighter but no smoke. I though about picture below but without smoke ??
  15. I’m surprised I just found Fiora is a regular drug user. She is laways alone in bathrom so I consequently supossed she didn’t use. But in fact she does many times per day. Do you know what they use? I can catch some fire by mirroring wall but don’t see any smoke. Or meth does smoke. Do you have any picture of product they use? I don’t have any knowledge in drug (in general) thanks
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