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Everything posted by rezbot

  1. sssssh you'll confuse the neckbeards with mention of the sun and outdoors.... and for those who....shudder...need it sunlight kills poo poo germ germs
  2. the truth will always set you free..... unless you made up the truth and believe it.... or like Tom clancy or poo poo germ germs... truth through Sartrean freedom! and lots of disinfectant! and Heideggerian baby wipes
  3. sssshhh who cares she is a stranger you will never meet..oh my god the secrets out.....
  4. yes...but I did based on extrapolating what you said into it's real truth! all jokes aside I am making fun of the narrative creators 🙂 and I hate Tom Clancy... plus I am a majestic albatross...not just an odd bird...majestic!
  5. I am not calling you by the nickname Tom Clancy gave you...and we didn't need to know what he calls his junk after a waxing....siberian wasteland indeed...
  6. but I have obviously and correctly laid bare your secret life based on your three messages I read. I'm mean like duh...it's so like obvious dude 🙂 remember to disinfect after decoupling! FRRRT BLAAARP poo poo has germ germs 🙂 Tom Clancy doesn't look the hygienic type...i mean look how sloppy his fiction is...shudder..
  7. but my contacts have proof that you have played more than just poopy games with Tom Clancy....we all know who shite on who....blegh...
  8. better than most of the other dumb fucks 🙂you're not droning on about internal feelings towards an imaginary gun....plus in case you are a spy...with a weird Martina fetish I am just gonna shoosh....that being said sarcasm and humour are good...and obvious. it's the sad little people who develop whole narratives in their heads based on snippets they see about people whom they no idea regarding their character or personality. it's sad...watch them live, fuck, cry whatever...but stop the "I know the real them" bullshit....christ. like you have a complete enough picture from this to do it....the neck beards of voyeurism
  9. christ, you fucking people are nuts to give so much care to complete fucking strangers...making shit up to fit the wacky narratives going on in your head....at least it's entertaining.
  10. I've been several places in the world where there are Russian and Ukrainian tourists, they are almost always obnoxious loud drunks till you kick their asses.
  11. she looks like she is made from the body parts of 3 different women that just don't come together properly
  12. I don't think you understand young people, go out and look around.
  13. I don't think most people on here have ever been in much of a relationship of any kind as they can't fathom individual lives inside a relationship. hell im only here while recovering from surgery than even I have more important things to go. it's funny really
  14. someone needs to lay off the bad drugs the shit people dream up in their own heads. christ
  15. gained power? how do you think the world works? sometimes the shit people say on here. I used to laugh when I read about people dumb enough to believe ufo's visit earth...but after here...haha
  16. you care way too much about people you'll never meet, doing things that will never effect you. they are paid actors man, move on.
  17. I know it's like different people are like totally different
  18. phone VS no phone is literally a diff generation. 10 years ago no one was glued to their phones like now. its a different world
  19. you haven't figured out how many are escorts? you can literally look them up
  20. skinny/tight serious abs nicer body than tani and normal lips
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