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Everything posted by seb38240

  1. would be nice if they jump on each other nastya was cheking the contract of vv
  2. agree with you but stay with narcoleptic milena and lima nobody xant to live withthi king of girls the problem are theses 2 girls
  3. lima is a deadfish and milena is a zombie addicted to her comp no sociable just waste of time i can't wait she leave rlc is not good for her
  4. let see what happen during week end you can be sure jasmine is not shy in front of the other girls she walk naked in front of rebb
  5. its more like someone will tidy the rooom of caro and put new laundry or a new girl come and jasmin move in rebecca room let see for the moment jasmi is still listed in b1 so for me her room will be listed as guest room and she will have caro room
  6. oh they put again a shit on there face wtf is this ap a spa this girls are so superficial
  7. and she can change all the mood on this app, if rlc dnt react they will lost a lot consumer
  8. rebecca is always on her damn phone nothing is natural on her its like she hyde from the other girl i really don't like the new chemistry here
  9. wtf happen to thi app omg fucking movi everyday nothing nice to watch new girl j boring as hell in one week everything change
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