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Everything posted by seb38240

  1. i don't understand why rebb come back if she have a bfriend that a little bit of nonsense
  2. i don't understand russian or ukrainian it was obviously they speak to rebbeca what hzppen during the night with caro and belle we can guess some like sex or lesbianka they laugh about it but i think its the last crazy thing will happen in this app especially if lola leave the project
  3. even if the night vision don't work i don't think something will happen becca have a b frien and are afraid to see some vid or pic of her doing sexual thing oninternet now its clear this app became normal again with sexy girls who don't want to do crazy stuff again
  4. its strange she don't want to kiss her maybe she is sick that why she take some med in caro room
  5. becca is waiting for lola lol i am really curious to see what will happen tonight if beccy try to kiss lola on the morning
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